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  1. Andy Banks

    Andy Banks

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  4. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/05/14 in all areas

  1. Just a quick post to get the ball rolling for Applecross 2014 . The dates will be friday 20th june to Sunday 22nd June . So if your planing on going get booking now . I will post more up once i have sorted out routes and lunch/dinner venues. ziplob
    1 point
  2. Here's my video - lost a bit of quality when switching file formats I'm afraid. Summary of clips: 1. Met CrisisWolf but didn't want to overtake just yet as was unsure of that part of the circuit 2. Met a hare 3. TheStoat catches up 4. Met CrisisWolf again 5. TheStoat catches up, delivers a flame then spits some cones at me. Follow for a lap or two 6. Slowly catch up with Mooch, to get stuck behind the reason I caught him up in the first place 7. Cotswolder in his Seight. Don't know if a forum member or not 8. Battery mount 1 fails and shorts the battery out. Fixed in paddock. 9. TheStoat, again. 10. My fastest lap 11. Met CrisisWolf, then battery mount 2 fails and it all gets rather interesting.
    1 point
  3. Solved - it was Jimmy and Rachel from Stokesley who were at Reeth for lunch and who told me they were heading back home - which I'm sure they did. . Time for bed.
    1 point
  4. Bummer, missing this event again. Away for the weekend. Missing the Knockhill Friday and a good run on Sunday. Roll on Applecross.
    1 point
  5. Don't know about the rest of you but I'm proud to be in a club where we call each other 'old bean' very civilized Have a good run and bbq
    1 point
  6. Enjoy But wish i hadnt scaled it down to 720p now
    1 point
  7. Say hi to Neville for me and give him my apologies for missing it. All I need to do is get a car.... (although I'm away on Sunday anyway!) Matt
    1 point
  8. Booked - the mighty cross flow will be among the entries :-)
    1 point
  9. Forgot you had those fancy indicator switches, still worth trying a local factors they must be from a production car of some sort. All good here, just getting ready to head off and watch the speed series guys at Snetterton.
    1 point
  10. Same here, 275 miles in 5 days! That's 1250 miles in 2 months of ownership! Got home today to find out my brake lights are duff, something gone wrong with the new micro=switch i fitted b*******! Looks like i'm spanner wielding this weekend!
    1 point
  11. Waiting for the weekend? I've done 240 miles this week already... if this continues I'd have to up the mileage allowance with A-Plan
    1 point
  12. I don't have any issues with immigration I welcome those who want to come here to work to better themselves. What I do have issues with is those who just come here to abuse the welfare state, including those who work but then can claim child credits etc to send back home it's just ridiculous. Also I have the same issues with those born here who have no intention of ever putting anything back and just sit on the arses with there hand stretch out. This is the problem that needs solving.
    1 point
  13. Yes,they are the same mate The one ime replacing came off my cvh engine
    1 point
  14. Post up a list of parts you need and you might be surprised what people have lying around / going cheap
    1 point
  15. just book your own huts/caravans/ camping pitch , the dates are the same as last year . I am thinking about booking the tunnel to eat on the Saturday night as it gets good reviews on trip adviser , i just think the Applecross inn was not as good this year and am fed up off the squeeze to get us all in . I will post up e-mail and phone numbers for the campsite soon . Weather permitting we will do Skye this year. Ziplob
    1 point
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