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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/05/14 in all areas

  1. I think UKIP want the EU to return to being a common market rather than a single state ruled from Brussels and handing out grants like no tomorrow to developing countries and legislation that we have little say over. It's not racism, its not little Britain and all the other tags they get. It's a disagreement on the way the EU is going and where it will go and what this means for Britain and views based on a practical reality rather than a political ideal. I think the EU has made a big mistake by expanding too fast and too far especially when the economic and growth model, especially for the more socialist members, has been proven to be completely unsustainable. It was one thing to include the original 8 countries but the enlarged EU is destined to fail. If the UK wants to lend £10bn to Romania - fine but lets have it secured against assets and paying a commercial rate back to us. That's what we have to do when we look to attract overseas investors to build Nuclear power stations here. All those knocking UKIPs views on Europe would do well to look at Switzerland and Norway. David
    2 points
  2. Me too Ist run for me too ,looking forward to it See you all soon
    1 point
  3. Waiting for the weekend? I've done 240 miles this week already... if this continues I'd have to up the mileage allowance with A-Plan
    1 point
  4. Hi Micheal , Yes fits perfectly on a narrow , can you email me : sales @ aerodynamix . co . uk without the spaces and will send you an invoice . You'll be really pleased with it its a really nice piece
    1 point
  5. What annoys me about Dave and his boys is their claim They need to be careful on the last bit as they've assumed that UKIP can't deliver because they'd never be in power to do so ....... well, come the 8 May 2015, Dave and the lads may have to eat humble pie - either because UKIP hold the balance of power for a Conservative/UKIP coalition, or who knows, perhaps even an outright majority on their own. It's the arrogance of the Conservatives when they say "can't deliver" that peeeeees me off. Either way, I was old enough to vote in 1975 on whether to stay in the Common Market, I voted yes because it was as it said on the tin - a Common Market - not a United States of Europe where faceless bureaucrats dictate everything and "europe" grows larger and into countries that stretch the definition of "europe" to the extremes. And we've never been given a say since Trouble with Dave is that he makes promises of things he's going to do or change, but the small print shows it'll be some time in the distant future and only then reluctantly if endless and pointless negotiations haven't worked out as he wants..........
    1 point
  6. All sent and done - ahead of the deadline I believe
    1 point
  7. It's not as if it doesn't know it's way round Knockhill is it!
    1 point
  8. True didn't think of that.... I might have to go back and try the other room and the beers. cheers John
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I don't have any issues with immigration I welcome those who want to come here to work to better themselves. What I do have issues with is those who just come here to abuse the welfare state, including those who work but then can claim child credits etc to send back home it's just ridiculous. Also I have the same issues with those born here who have no intention of ever putting anything back and just sit on the arses with there hand stretch out. This is the problem that needs solving.
    1 point
  11. Farrage scares me, it worries me about the intelligence of Britain that there seems to be a lot of people can't see through the thin veil of "I'm not a racist, but ..." I can see what he's trying to get at but we only have hoards of nasty outsiders coming taking our jobs because there are so many job vacancies in Britain - at the same time as we have huge unemployment. Why aren't we already doing these jobs? It's the British that caused the problem, not the Europeans
    1 point
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