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  1. Andy Banks

    Andy Banks

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  2. Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

    Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

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  3. jeff oakley

    jeff oakley

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  4. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/14 in all areas

  1. Sorry to hear of this theft, I hope the insurance pays out as there is little to no hope of recovery. I know we have some police officers on here and I cannot blame the individual officers, however more and more we hear of police apparently unwilling to visit certain sites to recover goods. Recently we read of the caravan that had been stolen and found on a traveller site, however, the police could not recover it as the occupants would then be homeless. Why should this deprive the rightful owners of possesion? We need a return to punishments for those guilty and policing without fear of any ethnic group.
    3 points
  2. Bob, I'm sure Russ will sort the £40 out next time you order something........if you remind him. Kind regards Simon
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. There he is. That's Smokey Mow you know. Nice to meet you last weekend fella.
    1 point
  5. I bet there's still room for another volume what with the "inside story" and shop floor gossip (and not to mention the nitty gritty of the litigation saga)
    1 point
  6. Westfield story book http://parts-shop.westfield-sportscars.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=56 in stock Regards Russ
    1 point
  7. You've got it Dave - I have both and I'm yet to decide which I prefer :-)
    1 point
  8. Stuff that's had new posts since your last visit will have a circle to the left of it. Click on the circle and you'll go to the earliest post you've not read
    1 point
  9. 'Manufactory', a hybrid of a manufacturer and a factory .. I love it! It cuts down on so many unneccesary words in the dictionary! New thread please; I'll start - Chip shop and pizza parlour = Chipza Hotel and pool = Hotpoo .. maybe not! .. .. .. I'll get my coat!
    1 point
  10. Blade engine will fit with slight modification to bonnett :-)
    1 point
  11. Donington 1982 Westfield number 1 next to my race winning Lotus 17 Happy days
    1 point
  12. Yes that was funny, especially on your first outing with us. You're like our Graham, easily baited
    1 point
  13. We were up on the mountain at TT2012 getting and early morning lap in and you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. it brought it home how local and track knowledge is king when we were burned off my a chap in a manx telecom van LOL
    1 point
  14. have done the tt course on bike about 11 times during tt weeks , done about 4 laps on mad sundays where on one lap I was going up the mountain taking it in my stride within my limits and a local guy came up the inside of me in a civic type r just as I was about to move over to the left and tip it into a bend at about 80-90 mph just then I cought his bonnet in my left eye and managed to miss him , he was a total idiot and out of control one guy went pst him and punched his window , at that point my self preservation kicked in would I do it again .................. yes lovely island a must for everyone
    1 point
  15. First time I did it....also put a mark in my underwear. Should be on every petrol heads bucket list. My dad did the Island in the fifties....wanted to take him up the mountain this year at 82 but lost him in March. Mind you if we'd done it he would still be yelling at me to go faster......."what's the matter...are you scared of it....open the bl**** thing up"... Sure he was louder than some of my bikes !
    1 point
  16. I am looking for a widebodied westfield for 90% track and some fast road. I am after a 180bhp+ car - must be a solid reliable engine. I am not looking for a highly tuned, expensive engine, I want a reliable solid unit that can take the intended use without high maintenance. I have owned highly strung k-series etc and whilst great engines I want something reliable and solid. The car must be track focused with the necessary suspension and set up to make it perform well on track. I would like the option of using wet weather gear as it will not necessarily be trailored everywhere. I am looking to spend no more than £10-12k. If you have or know of anything suitable please let me know. Thanks
    1 point
  17. Not sorted the good from the bad but a few pics to look at here https://plus.google.com/photos/113992112805904719213/albums?banner=pwa&gpsrc=pwrd1#photos/113992112805904719213/albums/6009667225985749697 Quick vid added https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If34R8S5Mgo&list=UUVNV5MyfWB3jdONIK7j3jBw Terry
    1 point
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