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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

    WSCC Life Member

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  3. Stuart


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  4. clansman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/14 in all areas

  1. What a shame Rab! i could only do setup and yesterday, but I have to say, it was one of the best shows for me in recent years. May be not quite as many indoor manufacturers stands as there has been, and not quite so many club stands as I've seen; but the club stand had a fantastic buzz about it, for a good chunk of the day, there were lots of crowds at the show in general, and there were quite a few little niche "new" marques tucked away between the bigger hall stands. Its always been a popular destination for European fans, this year especially. Stoneleigh isn't just a show though, it's an experience. Stoneleigh, (for many, done at its best) begins when you jump into your Westfield after loading the camping gear in every nook and cranny of the car, form into a convoy with your mates in their Westfields, and from their, the grins just get bigger as the convoys get bigger the nearer to the show grounds you get. Arriving at the show in a huge snake of Westfields, you then find yourself parking up in the middle of more Westfields than you've ever seen in one spot. It's as much about a drink or three and the after show BBQ putting the world to rights with a hoard of other club members before going in search of your tent, as browsing the exhibits. Monday morning see's the slightly blurry eyed clutching bacon buttes and sausage sandwiches from the cafe and standing watching with a slightly proud grin as huge convoys of Westfields role in for another day. Followed by an expensive stroll round those stalls you earmarked the day before to pick up one or two souvenirs from Later that day, the realisation will dawn that you were already loaded to the gunnels with camping gear and that the five new carrier bags and un feasibly large comedy style package "must have" are going to be a bit tricky to get home! This is where you see owners in the WSCC camping field staring at bits of gear, minds racing, wondering what they could throw away, or leave behind, to fit what's left into a suddenly very small car... And finally, Stoneleigh ends, when you role up home, shattered, desperate for a shower, hyper, with a thousand and one stories to tell any one that will listen! Now, did I tell you what happened to me on the way back this year...
    4 points
  2. Well, photographic evidence that our brand new Chairman is getting into carbon fibre. Here he is wearing his new necklace
    2 points
  3. My hearty congratulations and thanks to Andy and all the volunteer team who made Stoneleigh possible. It was without doubt the best Stoneleigh to which I have ever been from a club standpoint. Especially given all the circumstances involved in the run-up, it was an amazing accomplishment. I'll repeat this until I die - it's the members that make the club. The members who volunteered - the members who organised - the members who attended - you all made our showpiece event something of which we can all be proud. We were the finest group there and by a country mile. A huge thanks and pat on the back to everyone. I've never been prouder to be a WSCC member. Finally, a big shout out to Andy's son Callum - what a star! Every time I turned around, Callum was there working tirelessly, reading minds and stepping in to do what was needed without being asked, always smiling, never flagging. I know your father is very proud of you and he has every right to be. My personal thanks to you, young man, and that of Lady Chairman as well, who very much enjoyed your company. If only all adults were as mature and great to be around as you. My star of the show
    2 points
  4. Excellent show this year for me, I really enjoyed it. We started with an 8 car blat, and stayed together all the way. I am very pleased I did a stint on the Autojumble, its nice to do a bit for the club and feel proud of it all. Excellent set up as usual, and a good bit of banter through the day, at the BBQ etc. A few pics from me A big thank you to Andy Banks for leading the organisation of the event, top job
    2 points
  5. I would like to say THANK YOU to Mr Banks (and team of course) for a brilliant event WELL DONE! Cheers Panda
    1 point
  6. Yeah missed a nice little blat down - as Rob said another time for sure ... https://www.flickr.com/photos/kjfnorthwarks/14113123431
    1 point
  7. Scott and Mark, or outgoing and incoming membership secretary's looked like they were having a busy time over the last couple of days at Stoneleigh; I know we had about 18 new members by one stage on Sunday! Welcome to the club everyone that joined us over the weekend! I hope you all had a great Stoneleigh...
    1 point
  8. Hi ,is this a need? Or just a want?
    1 point
  9. I second your comments on Callum, Scott. What a delightful young chap! Sterling work at the BBQ on Sunday night. Dad is no doubt very proud, and rightly so.
    1 point
  10. Yes a great show and a great event put together by Andy Banks, his son Callum and a whole host of other members. The feather flags looked brilliant so well done Andrew Reeves. The organiser from the Caterham Club came by and said how good the whole Westfield looked - nice of him to say so. There must have been 150 Caterhams there on Sunday and I had a nice chat with a chap with a 620R. I wonder how it compares with Westfield's supercharged Honda 2000S which was detuned from somewhere north of 380bhp down to 360? A great two day show - well done us!!
    1 point
  11. Just got back from a fantastic couple of days. Thanks Mr Banks and his helpers - really enjoyed it, and the name tags were a brilliant idea!
    1 point
  12. Great day at Stoneleigh good to meet lot's of the guys and chat, really enjoyed it, very well organised great job all of you well done, shame I had to be at work today. Thank you all again. Pete.
    1 point
  13. If I had not been down here working Rab you bet I would have been there ..........looks like the weather has been well organised too
    1 point
  14. Some pics of the 2010 run here
    1 point
  15. already booked for Prescott, and accomodation organised! Can't do mira, as I've just had my right thumb stripped and re-built, and am planning same for my left thumb towards the end of July. Anyone know how long I need to run in my new thumb?The surgeon thinks about 5 weeks should be ok!
    1 point
  16. I wouldn't go anywhere near Noble. It's under new ownership (has been for several years) and they really screwed my car up. The original owner has moved on and sold it to a chap who's family own a large grocery business in the wholesale markets.
    1 point
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