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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/04/14 in all areas

  1. Settled down to watch the football last night and just as the Man U game finished the power went off. Waited a few minutes for it to come back on but nothing. It was raining heavily and almost total darkness. So, I got a coat on and ventured into the very wet and dark outside to see if the main isolator had tripped at the incoming meter box. It had and the house lights came on when I pushed the bar up. Great. Except they went off again within 5 minutes. It was now gone midnight here so, with a torch each we went to bed. Laying in bed whispering sweet nothings in the dark I said I thought the electric blankets were really good as I was so warm. "We don't have electric blankets". "No, and we don't have electricity either" This morning I opened my eyes at 0630, first light, and noticed something on the lower frame of the Velox. I got up to pay a visit and shone the torch on the object. Oh dear, it was Shelob. No, really it was. about 2 cm long with a huge body and head and all black. Short legs finished the beastie off. Now, let me tell you I'm terrified of spiders, even more than my fear of HM. I suspect my fear comes from my mother who would grab them and wave them in my face, very close to be up my nose sort of thing, chanting "It's only a spider, it won't hurt you". This is probably my earliest memory when I was 4 or 5. She had some terrible habits. If she had some food she would pick some up in her fingers and try and stuff it in your mouth without warning or you knowing what she was trying to stuff you with. It only got worse and as this is not the shrinks couch I won't go on about it other than to say we never got on. Suffice to say that I'll never know if she was evil or stupid. Stupid is winning at the moment. I got back into bed and was laying there watching Shelob. Then I must have closed my eyes as when I looked again it was gone. But where? I've had a good look round and cannot find her (Shelob is female). OK, not to worry (oh yeah, not to worry where Shelob is hiding, she could rise up and attack me in my bed any night now. I'll sleep in my coffin for the next few days). Got dresses, and came down. Donned a jacket and fishermans hat and ventured up the lane. The trip was duly reset and I even gave it a few on/offs (with 30 seconds between) to ensure we had a clean contact. If this one is faulty it will be the third in 2 years, the last only a few months ago. It's now been OK for two and a half hours so It looks OK. I did try and phone the repair centre for EDF but having negotiated the first 3 steps I got stuck when it asked me for my client number but wouldn't take it as correct. I'll speak to the English speaking centre in the morning. Lets see what part two brings.
    1 point
  2. Found something yellow in there, had to google it and found out it was a Westfield .............. so yes, I FOUND IT!!!
    1 point
  3. I'm getting arm bands for next time. Looks like I've done a classic trial in my car ..... Just home now!! Great weekend seeing Marto complete his first event in his rebuilt car - and after his challenges last year a Truely great weekend with a cracking bunch of friends :-)
    1 point
  4. 8th June should be good for me
    1 point
  5. I will find out and let you know
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. As some may have read I had a bad weekend recently where everything went wrong. The gearbox in my road car being the worst bit as it was making a noise. This was a new BGH gearbox bought when I built the car 10 years ago but it had done just 7000 miles. Took it to BGH last week and Colin and Brian found that first gear had moved causing the noise and a small amount of damage on the layshaft They listed all the parts needed to sort it out new lay shaft etc and the labour which meant the total was approaching £800. Without asking they charged a nominal fee only as they said it should have lasted longer but as it was a box designed for racing I expected no warranty allowance as it was 10 years old anyway. I was bowled over by their honesty, integrity and how quick they turned it around especially as they had had a fire at their workshop just one week previous which they are still sorting out. Service like theirs is getting a rare thing these days where the normal response is to blame the user for everything. I would not hesitate to recommend then to anyone needing gearbox or diff work.
    1 point
  8. Thanks Tricky they should be spot on!
    1 point
  9. Well this will be a bit of science then! I was reading your thread earlier today, and connected with alot of it. I've got myself a 2010 3.0l Z4 (all the creature comforts imaginable, and a good bit of performance), and a 2.0l Zetec Aeroscreen Westie. Since I was 20 (5 years ago), i've had a Porsche924S, 1l Corsa Life, Smart Roadster, VX220 Turbo and the above two. I'm always on Autotrader; and I too am 'finished' as soon as I decide to browse for a new car officially. Since i've had the westie, a fair few teething issues have taken hold, such as needing to replace the alternator, oil filter leak, indicator failure, electric issues, a stupid woman in a car park not seeing me, and a practical girlfriend (i'm sure some will realise the impact having such a lady in my life). That and everyone saying i'm crazy for having it. Every fibre in my body is saying I need to sell it before summer, before the price drops for winter and so on. However.... 3 months ago I was saying: I have never replaced an alternator before in my life. I have never wired a car before in my life. I have never done any major modifications to a car before. I have never bought parts online before for a car. I dont know the basic mechanical workings of a car before. I dont know how fragile each area of a car is, such as suspension and steering. I have never had such stares before in a car. I have never forgotten to put the oil cap back on, and gone for a drive.... Nowdays I can say yes to every one, and many more. Many lessons learnt for certain! The car makes me want to pull out my hair, and yes, the thought of throwing it on autotrader (or a ditch) has popped into my head. BUT; if I sold it, i'd want to keep tinkering....and I wont be able to tinker with the Z4. I'll go back to being a detailing and polishing OCD chap. I'll pop the bonnet, and stare at it, rather than fiddle. And i'll look to doing modifications that will cost 10x more. What I have right now, is a toy to play with; a hobby. One that has its ups and downs, like any hobby; and comes with a great community and so on. I've yet to take it on the track, but some roads are absolutely amazing in it. The day I sell this car, will be to fund a house. And currently, my life isnt there. Hope it isnt for a while longer, purely as an excuse to keep ol' red! Hope this helps T
    1 point
  10. Prices. These are opening prices. I have to get them down. If you've ever negotiated with a Chinaman then you know that's not easy. FOB (free on Board) Shanghai. $1200 = £712.92 FOB Shanghai $1528 = £907.63 FOB Shanghai $1345 = £799.20 All 3 are available in 220v single phase. MOQ is 12.8,15 although the prices quoted are for 24,15,30 We have to add Felixstowe dock charges and VAT to the final price. Thoughts on a postcard. I will get better prices but I won't get them halved. ed to add that if anyone wants the full specs email me (norman@frenchblat.com) and I'll forward the email.
    1 point
  11. Well that was a great morning! Thoroughly enjoyed it and a great turnout. I hope everyone has arrived safely home. "British, Hertfordshire, Hatfield!" as the man said...
    1 point
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