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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. pistonbroke 2

    pistonbroke 2

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/04/14 in all areas

  1. Well after what was predicted to be a nice dry Friday this is what we got. I went for a 60 mile drive along A-Roads from Bristol upto BTEC Racing , Chipping Norton a few weeks later than most of the guys here who attended the Car Health Check Day. Got there in the dry, had the geometry all checked and it all seems near enough balanced without any adjustment. Left Front: 166.5kg Left Rear: 178.5kg Right Front: 159kg Right Rear: 180kg Overall Weight (1/2 tank of fuel) 684 kg. https://www.dropbox.com/s/w6f9dzyos9n41zu/photo%201.JPG https://www.dropbox.com/s/iuxswlkvrkg9bwz/photo%202.JPG https://www.dropbox.com/s/0rmwpc968uxnjr1/photo%203.JPG As for the dyno a pleasant and standard as expected 126 BHP (@ Fly) and 98 BHP (@Wheels) with 123 lb/ft, video here: Excuse the wet weather gear being on - it was pouring down and to aid getting in and out just peeled the top back. Now with these checks ticked off, and told the brake pads look pretty much like new I'm 'ready' for the track day health check. First time I've really driven the Westfield that distance bar the day I picked it up about 8 weeks ago and that was wet, first time, motorway, so a bit on edge, driven a few 10-30 mile round trips and around Bristol. Even in the rain, had a great time - even had a random guy on a bus stop put his thumb up to me on the way through a random village.
    1 point
  2. Standing up from the chassis bar doesn't seem possible. I would need to move my centre of gravity to above my feet and the steering hub and dash would get in the way as the bar is almost under the dash. I also have the lowered floor making it even harder as the floor slopes down behind the bar. I have a removable wheel. I would not even consider trying this without I though about trying to get my feet on the seat but I don't think I'm limber enough to do that (read I'm to fat). The seat is not bolted down yet so I didn't give it a proper try. For now I think I will go with the "no". As long as it is possible at all I guess I can live with it. If one was a lot younger it could perhaps be done fast enough to make it look natural... Alas time only moves in one direction.
    1 point
  3. I put my hands on the tunnel and side slide up until my feet are on the chassis bar then I can use my feet to stand up and get out. It looks like you are climbing out like a race car and is about as dignified as I can manage. Paul
    1 point
  4. Home after a day of ups and downs..... P1 - Cold and very very slippery after the previous day's and night's rain. Keith did a lovely pirouette between Karousel and Deers Leap; no damage to car but pride was hurt and his "drive of shame" all the way back to the paddock lead him directly to the cafe for an early bacon roll. Unfortunately James Spicer lost all his brake fluid between the paddock and the start line - luckily he discover "no brakes" as he was heading to the start line and not at 80mph in the Hollow. [Edited to say that I see from the times James did get to the Karousel and went through Hollow at 79mph - so he is very lucky to have brake failure where he did, the slowest part of the course.] P2 - Track drying and everyone put in some respectable times; all had smiles back on their faces. Keith even made it to the top of the hill! T1 - The weather was improving and we felt good in the knowledge that recent communications from Wiscombe Park confirmed they were encountering atrocious weather. There was talk of a timed run prior to lunch but it didn't happen. Early lunch and we were ready to attack the hill and build on our P2 times - just getting into our cars and the heavens opened turning a warm dry track into something that resembled a river with the grip of an ice rink! Everyone's times were slower except for Martin Watson who managed a very accomplished sub-40 run. T2 - After the squall that ruined T1 the weather improved again and we were presented with a dry (with damp patches) track and all put in some excellent times. Well done to Pete Goulding who took Westfield honours, followed by myself only 0.08 seconds slower! Also well done to Christian James who did well on his first ever event; coming away absolutely hooked and can't wait for his next event.
    1 point
  5. I found Brian to be the perfect gentleman and not a bragger like his counterpart at R&R. Brian designed and built the 6 speed Caterham box but had to hand over production to Caterham when he couldn't meet demand. At that time he had some very large tin sheds in his garden. I think he has proper commercial premises now. Not sure who Coilin is but his right hand man was Chris. Brian was a Design & Technology teacher in a local school and Chris was one of his pupils who joined him when he retired to build gearboxes. I spent a few hours chatting to Brian whilst Chris was fitting my new gear sets. Lovely man. He was in his 70s then so must be getting on for 80 now. He knows what he's doing, and does it very well. He will go to extremes to keep customers happy. When Chris was rebuilding my diff (new CW&P) the thread on the carrier picked up. Brian noticed and insisted I leave it so he could repair the thread properly and he then paid for carriage back to Sheffield. Old school, wonderful person.
    1 point
  6. My old boss told me 50 years ago don't judge an insurance company by its premiums, judge by how they respond when its all gone pear shaped.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. The rareness of excellent service these days is such that people wish to praise it often and loudly. I'm happy enough to read that in whatever area of the forum it appears. Get up on the wrong side of the coffin bed this morning, Norman?
    1 point
  9. cszjrh


    These are my new ones. Very impressed with the finish, especially given they are a low volume specialist item.
    1 point
  10. You have bern spotted. Bern is in Greece on Hols.
    1 point
  11. Turbosport.co.UK. is a website/forum. Best pinto info and help you will get ( ask Jeff) Stage 2 is just words .... Means nothing specific.
    1 point
  12. have a tuned massive spec hw100 , 177 (you dont get the arc of a 22 so more accurate ) 177 is better imho ,3-9x50 scope ,silencer ,custom barrell , lightweight alloy bottle with quick fill and gauge ,thumbhole stock ,custom trigger and hammer ,bag, £600
    1 point
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