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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/14 in all areas

  1. You'll need that machine on the left of you
    2 points
  2. I ordered a windscreen & frame, they said I had to pay in full, and delivery would be 3 weeks. Nearly 5 weeks later I contacted them (took 3 days of phoning before they would answer the phone) to be told by a young woman who said she had only just started at the company ..., It had not arrived from suppliers, didn't know when it would arrive, could not chase supplier, WF staff were off sick, Julian was away on holiday and, lastly, "things were chaotic here at Westfield" !! I was not a happy bunny and reminded her that I had already paid for the goods. I expressed my displeasure (in a calm and polite way) but it seemed there was nothing to do but wait. Amazingly, about 20 minutes later, the young lady phoned to say, there had been a mistake and that my windscreen WAS in and would be dispatched that day. As a new WF owner, I want to be able buy parts from the factory but these instances of delays are very worrying.
    2 points
  3. Title sponsor sticker in place, check Speed Series sticker in place, check Adjust mirrors, check Baby Allard heads for first practice, start em young I say!!!! :t-up: PS, if somebody can tell me how to make this pic bigger in the post would be appreciated!!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Thanks for the passenger rides Dave I've got some good pics to email you when I've finished uploading them I think Kevin enjoyed himself too
    1 point
  6. Cheers for today Martin, nice to meet John too, shame the weather wasn't better, been back about an hour and just getting warm again!
    1 point
  7. Worth getting up at 0600am…looking good.
    1 point
  8. My is a bit numb Have car, will drive
    1 point
  9. Oh yeah you can't beat that feeling Hope you have a great run home this time Q
    1 point
  10. [Grumpy old git mode on]This sounds like a great idea at first, but you have to remember that as this comes from Brussels, it is to create a European number plate Supremo, in control of an enormous department and budget, and not to make like any easier for us. The government won't like it as the DVLA was a job creation scheme for South Wales. The police won't like it, as they'll have to change their number recognition system, and computer datebases which help them spot a wrong'un very quickly and they won't be able to spot foreign cars, which are often illegal with unlicensed drivers. We won't like it as we'll need a 12 figure number plate bolted to the front of a sleek little car, which we still won't be able to sell abroad as it won't have passed the local SVA, and the steering wheel is on the wrong side
    1 point
  11. Jeff, I agree but doubt any MP will. They are all career MP's now so do what they are told. We're always complaining about the EU legislation but fail to understand that everyone else only implements what is good for them and ignores the rest. When are we going to wake up.
    1 point
  12. Have a fantastic drive back Quinten & as a bonus it's going to stay dry.
    1 point
  13. Happy Days :-) hope its a mighty Cross Flow Q
    1 point
  14. Good luck, have a great day!
    1 point
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