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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/01/14 in all areas

  1. I have tried to avoid commenting on this but as a tree surgeon who has and 4 robberies in the past 4 years - 2 this year alone, and having disturbed the thieving scum who stole my living I can sympathise with the guy who was let off. I didn't need to chase them as I could see them from my gate ( half a mile to my barn) The police know who stole my saws (16 of them) this year, they saw him in a van at 3 AM when the alarms went off and we all drove to my yard, we disturbed the thieves and i had got my Mannlicher .244 rifle levelled at their white 4x4 tipper…. suffice to say I had a lot of issues and nothing was ever proven…. havent been robbed since but I do drive to my yard every day of every week expecting to be robbed…. its a shame but its how it is. I got a talking to about rifle mis-use and the police didne even take fingerprints…. I would happily drive to the camp where they live now 8 months later but it just isn't worth the hassle. JA
    1 point
  2. My personal view is that the law should have much greater support for the property owner and his subsequent 'defensive' actions following acts of trespass or forced entry. The very act of trespass or forced entry effectively implying aggression and force and intent and therefore the owner automatically defending. The fact they are walking away should be meaningless. They are attacking by being on your land. I understand this is pretty much the case in America - hence trespassers will be shot signs !!
    1 point
  3. now its saved it would be rude not to enter that one!
    1 point
  4. Followed the build of this - absolute stunning car IMO.
    1 point
  5. I did expect this response (and I don't mean this sarcastically), a chap close to where I live had a similar thing happen to him. He found some scrote breaking into his car http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/story/2013-07-22/have-a-go-hero-in-hospital/ He died of his injuries 2 weeks later. You cannot reason with these people, they may be armed, high on drugs/booze who knows. I would have done exactly the same, fight or flight kicks in and sometimes there's nowhere to run. If they tried to attack first what would you do, "please think about what your doing" chats just don't happen. He has not lost it completely when he's tackled him because if he's manged to break bones then a strike with such force to someones heads would more the likely end them!
    1 point
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