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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/14 in all areas

  1. Been rather spoilt the last few years with family hols (me, the wife and three kids 5,7 and 8yrs currently) as we have been to florida and really done the parks to death So we are looking to sort a holiday (start of April for a couple of weeks) Needs to be... Warmish Safe for the kids Plenty to do sight seeing wise plus maybe close by beaches (we will fly then rent a motor) Not the run of the mill family package holiday where I may have to rub shoulders with track suit wearing oiks so something a bit more special without costing one million dollars Not too long a flight We prefer a villa so we can do our own thing We have been looking at Italy, south of France or maybe one of the med islands but because neither of us have done these hols we dont really have a clue Yours suggestions please Thanks in advance
    1 point
  2. Hi Arthur, You don't need any special clothing If you use the car on the road you will probably have enough to keep you warm and dry on a track day. Although in a Westfield you would need a full face helmet. Mike
    1 point
  3. I wouldn't go that far ... On both accounts I was beginning to warm to it till the ending.
    1 point
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