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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/11/13 in all areas

  1. I don't think the benefit issue is an immigrant one. Clearly they have not contributed to the system but then neither I suspect have most of the 'locals' that benefit from it. Indeed, I have seen it stated by one of the taxation analysts that any average family in the UK with one breadwinner earning up to £25k per year and with two children will over their lifetime take out of the system more than they put in. So the problems, where they exist, are the generosity of the welfare system and the overall welfare bill - not immigrants per say. But of the immigrants that I do know, it strikes me that they pay rather less tax than most via their cash in hand businesses. Look here if you want to see the scale of the problem. Government debt about £78k per person now !!! http://www.iea.org.uk/in-the-media/press-release/uks-true-national-debt-%C2%A348-trillion
    1 point
  2. Thanks for sorting me out Clare, another satisfied customer with westy and tin top now covered , as discussed just the home insurance to sort now I'll be in touch Cheers Marcus
    1 point
  3. I find the problem with standard speed bumps is that the natural slow speed we approach them makes the timing perfect to catch the hoop on the bump as the front suspension is compressed. I find that with the worst bumps I almost stop as the front wheels drop over the far side to allow the suspension to compress and then return to its normal height thus giving the necessary clearance. At least speed bumps are predictable, its other rubbish that can be found on the road that is a bigger issue, I put a big dent in the passenger lowered floor when I didn't spot some rubble on a dual carriageway it was big enough that it just caught the standard passenger floor putting a couple of little dents into it, I dread to think what would have happened if it had gone under the driver's side as the brake and fuel line run across there.
    1 point
  4. I'm surprised you're having that sort of poor connection with everything on fibre optic cable. I'm with Virgin getting 60Mb download speed and a TiVo box that rarely lets me down. I'd suggest calling Virgin, telling them how unhappy you are and why, and requesting tests are run on your line. I know they replaced broadband amplifiers in the box near me last week because there are some slowness issues about. If you don't tell them, they won't know it's broken and can't fix it. Also, do you have the old Virgin modem or the newer hub? If the former, you can get a free update to the newer hub which supports higher download speeds. With regards to BT, it will very much depend on how far you are from your nearest exchange - you must call BT in advance and ask what broadband download speeds you can expect.
    1 point
  5. and a BTTT - see you tomorrow Samples sorted and in the back of the motor http://revkit.co.uk/wscc/
    1 point
  6. hello, the window wiper still for sale? The rubbers are still good? Can you show me a better picture? how many total shipping to belguim please thanks
    1 point
  7. Seems a very nice car but just a comment for what it's worth and to possibly enable you to change things before you advertise it to the masses. I was interested in this car, thinking it may be nice for my wife but the fuel pump issue is the thing that's putting me off it. I wouldn't feel safe letting my wife out in it with the children as I'd be thinking the worst if it wouldn't start. Good luck with the sale and to me you'd either have to have the fuel pump sorted or choose not to mention it.
    1 point
  8. Good luck, it's a cracking example of how to put an ad together.
    1 point
  9. A one owner car from new and full service history are your top selling points, it's what I look for. Wash and polish it well but I wouldn't bother having the chips done, price it the same as other similar cars to yours and it should sell quickly because of the way you've cared for it. Unfortunately depreciation on high spec cars is depressing, it's a big expense that has to be considered when buying new cars.
    1 point
  10. I have sold about 20 cars over the years and the best results have always come from eBay: my rule of thumb is a 10 day auction for up to c. £5k and classified for over that. I take time over the advert: lots of info about the car and thorough detail on everything about it, including dinks/dents/marks etc and all backed up by lots of photos. In addition to the 12 pics you can put on the add I create an album on a photo hosting site (Photobucket), put more pics there and then add a link to them. I also make it clear in my listing that I will not tolerate anyone attempting to negotiate on the price after they win, that I won’t deal with anyone from overseas and if they have low - or any negative - feedback they must contact me first to discuss before bidding/buying. Now that sounds rather draconian I know, but I do say I’m a 100% honest eBayer and only want to deal with like-minded members. As I say, it works for me and rarely do I have anyone coming to view the car before bidding - which I find remarkable as I’d never buy a car without seeing it first! - so I guess my approach finds favour with buyers. Good luck with your sale. R
    1 point
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