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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/13 in all areas

  1. Way back in 2002 I went on a driving instruction course at Silverstone. We hooned about in various cars, but perhaps the most fun was had larking about in a Caterham on an autotest course. Such a different experience to "normal" cars. A little later in the year I watched "A Racecar Is Born" on the TV which sparked the Westfield idea. Here was an opportunity to own a completely impractical but fun vehicle. I wasn't an experienced mechanic and to be honest I wasn't even sure I could afford it but I decided to take the plunge. In early 2003 I made a factory visit and had a test drive. I knew I was making a good decisionand ordered a basic starter kit for an SEiW. I cleared my garage of junk and started to prepare for the build. Initially I was going to source donor parts from scrapper. I began by sourcing front hubs, front and rear brake calipers and a rear diff. The condition of these was mixed but I set about stripping everything down and offering them up to the chassis. I was disappointed.... A nice, shiny powdercoated chassis was being spoiled by mucky looking parts, so I decided to have a rethink.. What is the point of spending several thousand pounds and making compromises? Could I afford to use newer parts? In the meantime I set about the laborious task of riveting the panels to the chassis (I really should have got the factory to do that). I also wish I had powdercoated all of the panels too. Instead I painted them with Hammerite - not a bad job, but not quite as professional-looking. I also began to source some better components - new steering rack, new uprights and hubs, front and rear brakes, suspension and rear LSD diff. At this point, the kitty was getting empty and I still had to source an engine and gearbox.
    1 point
  2. From research done earlier in the year, (and that I'm a bit hazy about now!) It's not reasonable. They are not aloud to fine you, only seek recompense for losses (and possibly costs?). £100 is a penalty and extremely hard to justify in terms of simply lost revenue.
    1 point
  3. Scott, you need to try a book called 'The Meaning of Liff ' - by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd. They decided to give meanings to place names after realising that all these words on signposts were going to waste. Hilarious and very clever.
    1 point
  4. I've been well pleased with the services of ..... http://www.blinkmotorsport.com/ They'll be undertaking some more upgrades for me next year, all being well with WestieFunds. And I plan to use... http://www.middlewichautobodies.co.uk/ Although not for crash repairs I hope!
    1 point
  5. I've been in Limbo a few times and it is not very good for my back, at my age.
    1 point
  6. hey dan, i'm upr this unless it clashes with speed series events mate
    1 point
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