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    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/13 in all areas

  1. Just a quick post to get the ball rolling for Applecross 2014 . The dates will be friday 20th june to Sunday 22nd June . So if your planing on going get booking now . I will post more up once i have sorted out routes and lunch/dinner venues. ziplob
    1 point
  2. Way back in 2002 I went on a driving instruction course at Silverstone. We hooned about in various cars, but perhaps the most fun was had larking about in a Caterham on an autotest course. Such a different experience to "normal" cars. A little later in the year I watched "A Racecar Is Born" on the TV which sparked the Westfield idea. Here was an opportunity to own a completely impractical but fun vehicle. I wasn't an experienced mechanic and to be honest I wasn't even sure I could afford it but I decided to take the plunge. In early 2003 I made a factory visit and had a test drive. I knew I was making a good decisionand ordered a basic starter kit for an SEiW. I cleared my garage of junk and started to prepare for the build. Initially I was going to source donor parts from scrapper. I began by sourcing front hubs, front and rear brake calipers and a rear diff. The condition of these was mixed but I set about stripping everything down and offering them up to the chassis. I was disappointed.... A nice, shiny powdercoated chassis was being spoiled by mucky looking parts, so I decided to have a rethink.. What is the point of spending several thousand pounds and making compromises? Could I afford to use newer parts? In the meantime I set about the laborious task of riveting the panels to the chassis (I really should have got the factory to do that). I also wish I had powdercoated all of the panels too. Instead I painted them with Hammerite - not a bad job, but not quite as professional-looking. I also began to source some better components - new steering rack, new uprights and hubs, front and rear brakes, suspension and rear LSD diff. At this point, the kitty was getting empty and I still had to source an engine and gearbox.
    1 point
  3. Makes me wonder what you're getting up to in the Morrisons car park!
    1 point
  4. Ignore it, I have had a few at Morrisons from Euro Car Parks over the past two years. You will get 5 letters from them, each one more threatning, debt collectors , court, credit rating etc. The last one offers to accept a discounted penalty. I just ignore them and keep them in a file, they eventually give up and go away. :d Here is a link for you http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=4593957
    1 point
  5. We also had a great night with good company who made us very welcome. Thanks to Gary, Derek and John and your respective partners. Stayed at the hotel again last night so still enjoying the spa facilities. It did seem very quiet at breakfast this morning compared to yesterday!
    1 point
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aahMDAr0ksM
    1 point
  7. oooh I forgot about those will check up on em this morning wuv
    1 point
  8. I wouldn't say leaving a deposit on someones westfield was a very nice thing to to do, was it !!!
    1 point
  9. Now that's something I'd dream of!!! If I watch anything Carbon Fibre on eBay I get non-stop whining for a week!!! Every parcel is checked on arrival!
    1 point
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