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  1. pete g

    pete g

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    Garry Bunn - Derby & Notts Joint AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Our esteemed club secretary, David Hussey, is one to speak to about the 4AGE engine, IIRC. (Though possibly not this weekend )
    1 point
  3. 1. Jeff C. Caterham. 2. Nick A. Westfield (something) 3. Cap Pintosaurus 4. Stevo McHopeItsBackTogether 5. Marcusb Westfield 6. David J (Westfield) 7. Onliest Smeg / David Westie 8. Wayne Shep Westie 9. Bob Bobbleton - Westfield 10. Richard Kerr / Luke Algar - Playskool Supertec 11. Scott Taylor westie prelit 12. Grahame Gregg Westy meg 13. John gill - Westfield 14. Hellski (Christian James) - Westfield 15. terryathome, Terry Barber, Westy. 16. Mick Dent - Westfield 17 ? 18 Richard H westfield 19 Steve Durrant - Westfield
    1 point
  4. Happy birthday Julie and many of them.
    1 point
  5. I just got me engine back from dyno sounds good . I tried to keep the costs down honest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9mWJ_jpULc
    1 point
  6. mhr ginge if del gets you a new pully for that k20 hit him with it av a great day stew, emm n ben
    1 point
  7. MHR....not too much vino....you need your drinking head for Sat.....
    1 point
  8. Happy Birthday Julie, :D
    1 point
  9. MHR from Mr & Mrs H., hope you have a good one!
    1 point
  10. Happy Birthday Julie xx I hope Del's treating you to a nice meal tonight! Paul & Jill
    1 point
  11. Happy Birthday Julie xxx Rich and Lisa
    1 point
  12. have a good one
    1 point
  13. Next year will be my 10th season in the Westfield Series and over the time I think I’ve heard all the arguments expressed in this Post at least once, some a lot more than that. The Class structure is not perfect and with the variety of engine/gearbox options I don’t think it ever can be, however, the SSOT have done a pretty good job of defining the Classes and the Regulations. I think It’s a myth to describe Speed Events as cheap motor sport the limited track time for your money and the fact that almost every class on the day struggles with the same problem as our Speed Series, there’s always someone who’s prepared to spend more to gain an advantage. So why did I start with Sprints and Hillclimbs: Simply I didn’t want to get caught up in someone else’s accident. Why did I chose the Speed Series because of the Club and the Camaraderie and it had, and to some extent still has, an excellent structure to introduce the novice to motorsport. Hindsight’s a wonderful gift so would I do it differently if I was starting now, probably not but I might not have stayed with a Westfield for so long. Finally, to counter some of the previous comments of controlled classes , there is no such thing as cheap motor sport but in racing there are plenty of very successful Championships with strict controls on cost, Locost, Mini Seven and Mini Migla, and Formula Jedi to name a few. Oh and I spent some time at Silverstone last weekend for the Walter Hayes Trophy meeting, 100+ Formula Fords all on the same wheels and tyres with the same Kent engine the same carburettor and the same gearbox, as always this led to incredibly close racing. I know my limitations and like others my aim at every event is to set a PB, weather permitting, that’s happened at almost every event I’ve taken part in even when I’ve done nothing to improve the car! I think that tells me something.
    1 point
  14. Legally I think the employer will have claim on money paid in error unless you have signed a document setting out the amount to be as paid in a termination agreement. Whether they would legally try to recover is another matter. Best would be to enter into a 'negotiation' on the amount and timescale for repayment http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/wales/work_w/faq_index_employment/faq_employment_overpayment_of_wages.htm
    1 point
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