The Dog Story..................
Somewhere in Spain just south of the Pyrenees, our six westies were traveling in convoy enjoying the beautiful scenery, on a twisty bit Blueleader (Wshep) missed a left turn so we all pulled over shortly after and did a U turn. We rejoined into traffic and Lee joined behind a truck. We all had PMR radios but in the confusion Lee missed the turn as we drove back as the westy in front was unsighted due to the truck. We realized after a short time Lee was missing so the now five westies pulled over.
Wshep was trying to contact Lee via the PMR so I volunteered to walk back to the junction to flag lee down, I left my helmet on as I had my PMR radio earpiece plumbed in. After five minutes walk I approached the junction, just before it there was the only building for miles out of which ran an extremely large (Spanish) German Shepherd running full chat in my direction.
It was a strange sensation as it approached, my mind was trying to decide which was best out of the two options I could think of………. leg it or stand my ground. For some reason I chose the latter. As the German Sheperd closed in I turned away and braced for impact, two paws hit my upper back, I managed to stay upright as I was getting nibbled, licked and sniffed. Unfortunately the Spanish dog failed to understand my English swearing and cursing, but luckily the dog did not bite and I managed to finally get away albeit covered in saliva and shaking like a chicken.
I was now past the dog and at the junction and made the decision that when Lee arrived I will have to somehow squeeze into the passenger seat along with Lee’s brother Gary. That’s when the message came through the PMR from Wshep: come back Marcus, Lee has been in touch via phone and is making his own way to the hotel!
As I turned around the dog was still there……… as I got closer it charged again for round two this time deciding, after another slobbering, to pinch my PMR. It was having a good chew trying to decide what flavour it was when the owner finally came out of the house. I pointed to the dog and he retrieved the PMR, still intact but dripping in saliva. We tried and failed to exchange pleasantries so I left, arriving back with the others rather later than expected.
Come on say it - this thread is useless without pictures, well I think Wshep has a picture somewhere of my heroic return
As you can guess the rest of the holiday had a dog theme: Marcus do you want to take the lead etc etc
All good fun