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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/13 in all areas

  1. Mmmm wish I could say the same ...............yet another phone call tomorrow .......................wonder if they will call me back as promised several times but never done??
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. It's a game, played by the very wealthy hope that helps:-)
    1 point
  4. Even if they had cause to do so it will cost them more than £800 pounds to pursue you legally so I would suggest they are unlikely to do so. Entering into a negotiation is the honourable thing to do but if it's a case of honour versus food on the table I would be having a long hard think. I guess your own personal situation will dictate but I would say that you are in a strong position regardless of the legalities. If you are really worried there must be an advisory body that you can ask. Would citizens advice be able to help?
    1 point
  5. Hi, I bought my westfield about two months ago, it's a 1700 crossflow and I LOVE IT! Perfect to learn in, plenty quick enough and the sound is fantastic. Mine was pretty close to perfect, a couple of minor body blemishes and I paid £4250, a bargain! Keep looking, see and drive a few and be patient, the right one will come along. I've just booked in to NMS for a RR session and filtration change in October, very excited! The guys and gals on here are so helpful, made my ownership experience much more than just the car, so enjoy!
    1 point
  6. And they sell it in 4litre packs.
    1 point
  7. I'd have been there but for a pesky honeymoon
    1 point
  8. Will it have meerkat toys in the form of your favourite committee member?
    1 point
  9. Well done Mark, great result for all your trials over the season.
    1 point
  10. +1 for Paisley freight (next day service) - will cost you £33, unless they are 4x4 rims. Dave.
    1 point
  11. Hi Phil. I'm on my second Westfield (the first narrow, the current wide). Both Crossflow engined (the one you are talking about is definitely a Crossflow). Both were £4k of there abouts. Davids description of the car sounds a lot like I would have described the one I bought. Yes I have had problems but I have enjoyed fixing them with the generous help of forum posters. Please don't dismiss it out of hand as it will provide lots of fun fixing up the stuff that needs attention. For me, I get as big a kick learning skills and understanding the car and it's mechanicals as I do driving it. But if you want something just for dependable driving then you should probably look elsewhere. Depends what you want really. As for the Crossflow, I *really* like this engine. Yes, more modern engines with FI are going to be easier to live with but IMHO they don't come close to the sounds and smells of a Crossflow on twin sidedraught carbs. Oh, and welcome to the club.
    1 point
  12. Hi Phil and Welcome I think you'll find that's a wide with fixed rear arches, I'm not 100% sure about the engine but I think its a Xflow, but I am sure someone far more capable will be along soon to put me right Calling Smokey to the floor
    1 point
  13. very good choice in my opinion compared to that one on eBay, this one is well setup and has all the right bits on it but with plenty of scope to put your own mark on it too
    1 point
  14. hi i built a fw kit last year ,iam in goathland if you need any help /info ,i also have a engine leveler if you would like to lend it ,also buy a air riveret ,and enjoy your build ,also put west field on freinds and family ?
    1 point
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