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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  2. Howard


    Speed Series Competitor

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  3. stephenh


    WSCC Member

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  4. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/13 in all areas

  1. A friend of mine has a part-built Westfield that he is selling on e-bay. He doesn’t have the spare time to devote to completing the car, and although I’ve offered to help, it’s proved difficult to find mutually convenient time to work on it. He’s tried to find someone who could complete the work at a reasonable cost locally but without success. It grieves me that he has got so far but has run out of steam. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300957635667?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Before the car is gone for good, is there anyone out there who would be interested in finishing the car (for money – I’m not sure what rates - that would need to be discussed)? If so, please PM me your number quickly so I can put you in touch, and he can decide what to do with the ad. I’d like to give him the chance to own the car he started to build. The car is near Leicester. I can trailer it if necessary. He’s still after a Westfield or something similar, so he’s considering px for a built Westfield, or may buy a completed one if he sells his part-built kit.
    1 point
  2. Tel's Tales 021: Ty Croes, Anglesey Sept 2013-- Race 28 and 29 Well this is the one I wait for every year! The 2 lap National (Saturday) and the 1 lap International circuits are just unbelievable to drive. Good spectating as well with the only downside being that there is no electronic time display as you finish so that waiting for the results can be a little tedious. The additional bonus this year was to be a Sunday visit by members who would drive 2 laps of the International circuit during the lunch break to show off our Westfield club which has supported this event for several years. In the end there were 20 Westfields on track being driven enthusiastically by non competitors in a long snaking parade. The paddock had seen some competition cars being kitted out and tested by some drivers. Jane Loudon was seen to do some practice starts that put John to shame, Julie was in Del's car and feeling at home in the car she used to compete in trying out its latest engine. Sandra Bunn was also pedalling a car as was Sally Herbert who showed Stephen some new lines! Margaret Everall ( Steve's wife not mine) was having a passenger ride with Nico and Paul Aspden was out in someone's car and had time to enjoy the fabulous scenery which when we compete we dont have time to admire. The weekend weather was very good with a strong wind and dry but it kept the track a little too cool maybe so early grip levels appeared low. Scrutineering had its usual interesting interpretations of technical compliance such as a suggestion that all Westfields required 3” belts on harnesses? (Not in my MSA Rulebook) but we all got through ok. We had 1 practice session of 2 laps and then 3 timed runs to count. Big battles loomed between Barry Slingsby and John Hoyle and a few others who were trying to improve their average score in the overall competition. I was chasing John Loudon and Steve Everall and Stephen Herbert again battled away for their own little trophy that is awarded after each head to head event. Paul Morcom and Pete Goulding were out in class F with Marshall Rowland in the Elise (J3) and Steve Davies guest appearance in a Zetec Westfield. Phil Nicholls was contesting class B and Dave Richings in class A. Andrew Lowe (class B ) and Craig Spooner ( class A) joined in for Sunday. P1 was a bit uneventful with reasonable grip but a cold track. Even so we had Barry Slingsby under the class record and laying down a good target for John. What I forgot to tell you was that John was out with his newly built more powerful Vauxhall XE redtop engine (we thought he had enough power before!) When it came to the timed runs the times tumbled and John won D with his first run of 111.95secs knocking 2.5secs off the record and getting 102 points in the process whilst hard charging Barry also beat the record with 112.68secs. John Loudon also took a chunk off the record with 113.02secs. Steve Herbert held off Steve Everall and Pete Goulding did 113.02secs. Despite my aggressive drives and grass cutting I finished with 109.82secs and Gary Bunn (who had more reruns than seemed possible) held off Del with quickest Westfield time of 108.67secs but a little way off target. Phil Nicholls did 128.38secs and Marshall Rowland 127.59secs. John Hoyle was looking a bit dismayed as his new engine spluutered and stopped on T2 and T3 even though the FIA switch had been sorted as a possible electrical fault. Eventually Steve Davies found the problem was with a loose connection from the loom to the coil pack. At least he was ready for Sunday! The cafe and bar was quite well supported and the food was cheap and excellent so please use it in future as it needs our support to stay open. One incident was quite amusing as Ian Morrison was offloading his car from his trailer ready for the parade laps....... lets just say its easier if you attach your ramps to the trailer before reversing off! It took 4 of us to lift it back on but no damage was caused but he had a red face! Sunday saw us have 2 practices and 3 timed runs on the fast International circuit. Early pace was again set by Gary, Del and myself in that order. For those who have not driven it the very fast bend at Church is critical and you need to be brave and try not to lift too much before pulling big speeds towards the complex after School. John's gremlin had been cured and he drove well to set a new record of 90.13secs against target of 91.79secs which won class D again to complete an excellent weekend for him. John Loudon set a new record of 92.41secs against the previous of 93.38secs. Barry broke the record with 90.87sesc ( target 91.79secs) but might have gone faster if he had not have spun. He appeared to have a gearbox problem with downshifts being difficult. He has a synchro box so with big revs and torque its maybe not a surprise that the box is waving a white flag! I broke the record with 88.08secs against Tim Nunns old record of 88.81secs and for a small 1000cc blade engine on a big track I was very pleased. Gary was again fastest Westfield with 86.66 close to the record of 86.16secs whilst Del was a little slower but questioned the timing of his last run. There had been problems with the timing earlier and apparently rabbits and seagulls caused problems. Maybe it would be good to have that time displayed for drivers just after the finish so you know if there has been a problem and can request a rerun. Phil Nicholls won the Novice award for his efforts and Stephen Everall beat Stephen Herbert with a 95.69secs. Particularly pleased was Pete Goulding who beat Barry and picked up the trophy for his class on the day. Andrew Lowe and Craig Spooner loved the track and will want to return next year. Steve Davies seemed to like the Westfield drive but missed the power of his other car but he still fancies a supercharged mini and Marshall Rowland blasted round in his neat Elise to score well in J3. So that was it in a nutshell …... if you want the best you need to compete or do a trackday at Ty Croes as it really does take some beating. Sarah Nield did ask that anyone who has enjoyed the event should email her as the club needs this to continue to promote and run the event. I will be back for the October event so see you there. Terry.everall@virgin.net Speed Series Correspondent Class G competitor
    1 point
  3. Not sure the MSA would approve of the height of my cage...
    1 point
  4. What a 12-storey Birmingham car park (with localised fog) might look like after a tragic accident when someone drove off the roof: -----------/ :pink-westy: | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| | -----------| _______________________________________________
    1 point
  5. Would your concept stretch to storage containers? Thinking something to store Vodka Jelly (which is popular here) would be cool...
    1 point
  6. Hartford station then. This is purely for Steve who mixed up this station last time with Greenbank !
    1 point
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