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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Rhett Turner - Black Country AO

    Rhett Turner - Black Country AO

    Area Organiser

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  3. SootySport


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  4. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/08/13 in all areas

  1. A quick announcement for you all, as someone is bound to notice and comment, and to avoid speculation and stop the Club Rumour Mill invariably grinding in the wrong direction... With the exception of the WSCC Car Stickers, all WSCC branded merchandise has now been removed from sale from the Store area of the boardroom. Please do not panic - there's a very good reason for this - but I can't tell what the reason is (yet). An announcement regarding official WSCC merchandise will be made in the near future. Sorry, I can't be more specific than that right now, but it will be a positive and exciting announcement that will be well worth waiting for. Until then, I'd advise you to save your pennies, and prepare to add things to your birthday and Christmas present lists... Thanks on behalf of the Committee, Scott
    1 point
  2. now that i have mastered the art of gel coat and new bonnet latches fitted after my wee foopha at knockhill its time for another road blast , lets get one arranged , first weekend in September anyone fancy a blast to Oben . or even 18th Aug its up to you guys . Get your names up and lets get it sorted , blating season is almost finished.
    1 point
  3. pm sent, i'll take the lot if its still for sale,steve
    1 point
  4. I'm getting better at French, I can now tell them to eff off in French. I've always had trouble with English.
    1 point
  5. Take a brolly for the traffic lights, put it up when you stop, take it down when your moving. Driving in the rain is not too bad as long as your moving, sitting still in it an't so good.
    1 point
  6. right for mr impatient , mounting face to inside edge is 4" mounting face to outside edge is 3 1/4 " tyres are not road legal they are race tyres ,though I have a set of used 888's if needed
    1 point
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