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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/13 in all areas

  1. Ah you've been following me then Paul,
    1 point
  2. MOTCO - we have 18 acres in Northants, it's grassland and covered under the grassland area payment scheme so it has to stay as grassland for the foreseeable future (5 years). Hedge trimming will be about £35 and hour and you should do 2,000m in a day 3 sides taking off less than 3 years growth. Topping will be about £20 an acre and spraying for weeds (notifiable ones mainly) allow £180/acre each year _ or get some sheep on it. best way to keep grass and have it earn you some money is grazing for horses if you put a field shelter on the land and let in on a graziers license at £25/horse/week.....at a rate of 1 horse/per acre it might cover it's costs at least..... Happy to discuss anytime if you need some help - James
    1 point
  3. They are awesome and amazing. Had wife trying to find out cat last week, could see an owl in the tree, wanted torch to see it. It came out the tree, across our house to another tree... I asked if she'd found the cat. Could her Hine squeaking away and sounded stuck. There was the cat on the roof... Stuck, owl flying near him. He's now called "Owl Food" and not allowed out past dusk! Did you have any special camera set up or was it just shots on a chance?
    1 point
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