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    Paul Gibney - Lancashire AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/07/13 in all areas

  1. Had a phone call, "withheld" (have an ex-directory number, so alarm bells already on). "Good day sir (insert banal pleasantries here). I'm calling from your broadband service provider to tell you that you have a virus on your computer, which we can help you sort for only £19.99" "Uh-huh. So you're from BT, are you?" "Yes, that is correct." "And you can solve the issue of my Apple MacBook?" "Yes, absolutely." "What a shame, as BT are not my broadband provider, and and I don't own an Apple MacBook, so you're obvious a lousy, scheming, two-bit, lying, scum-sucking, smeg-headed scam artist who steals from the unsuspecting - what do you have to say about that?" *click* Is it me, or do they get dimmer every day?
    1 point
  2. If you see him again, give him my regards. He and his wife have been here on holiday for a week in the Elise.
    1 point
  3. I'd probably just come to spectate and passenger when you go there and see what it's like first Chris
    1 point
  4. Sean, you seem a very nice sensible chap, you live in the perfect area for a Westfield. Now, come to your senses and keep the car and we'll have no more talk about selling it. Oh, and you can convert the temporary membership to full now. From someone who used to live in Low Bradfield, just around the corner from Ladybower.
    1 point
  5. Had one last year, from "Microsoft", I had a spare moment or two so played along. Acting as dumb and computer illiterate as possible. You could hear the excitement in the guys voice when he thought he'd got a right sucker. Usual you have a virus, followed by a lame attempt to get you to look for some odd/suspicious looking, but perfectly innocent standard file via explorer. "If you could just press the Windows key for me", "Er, what's the Windows key? is it one of those with a funny little picture on it?" And so it went on. "Can you click on the start button?". Me, "oh no, I can't find one of those, is it on the key board, or do you mean the power button?" Increasingly exasperated description of where to find it, me, "oh no! It's missing, this virus is really bad isn't it?" So then he starts getting me to download the "Microsoft" remote support software. "It won't install, I tell him, keeps popping up a talky boxy thingy on the screen" "It says wrong version and lots and lots of numbers" "Oh" he said, "what version of Windows are you on", "Er I'm not sure, but it says OS X if I click on the about button" Silence, very annoyed voice, "can you tell me what make of PC it is please". Me, "Oh I though you said you could tell, er, I'm not sure. I can't see a brand, it's silver though" "Oh, there's some writing under the screen, it says MacBook Pro, is that the brand, er hello, hello, are you still there...." But he'd gone, and I had the pleasure of knowing that for the length of my coffee break at least, he hadn't been hoodwinking some poor sucker.
    1 point
  6. Start saving your pennies, Matt. As I understand it, the company in New Zealand that rebuilt KA114 (the last airworthy aircraft) had to make a complete set of jigs to rebuild this one, so there is every chance that more brand new Mosquitos will be built in the future. I'll take two, please!!!
    1 point
  7. Bombero, I've been told that the borders is the driest place in the uk. Richard who lived here moved to Newcastleton, on the border. He said it hardly rained.
    1 point
  8. Bump, because it's June and the sun shines!
    1 point
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