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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/06/13 in all areas

  1. I have a quite a few of these. . but this one is quite small and fits in a peli case with all its support gear.. which believe it or not will fit in pax footwell of Westy.... Flight time for this one is only @ 5mins per battery... its bigger brothers can do 20mins + .. but you need an estate car to put them in..... this one doesent like the wind too much.. but can get up to over 30mph.. range on this one is prob @ 900m ... altitude thousand or so feet. (but have CAA restrictions to 400 feet) I fly it with Video goggles on.. with live video feed... takes me a few minutes to setup.. need to wait for GPS lock etc... so would need some planning for a drive by etc .... GoPro takes HD video and also pictures every 3 secs Here's a wee vid a did a few weeks back.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=OqMr037-AAg
    1 point
  2. That drone looks great Craig. I was just saying to Rab the other week, that some video shot by a drone as the cars went through Glencoe would be stunning
    1 point
  3. David Hussey had one as far as I remember, drop him a pm but don't expect an answer until monday, think he will be at Curborough this week end.
    1 point
  4. how shall I contact you fella..? Are you going to Curborough at the weekend? I can just bring it along if you are???
    1 point
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