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  3. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/13 in all areas

  1. If you have not seen these you are in for a treat A job on Top gear for this man please
    1 point
  2. Right, If I'm not too late, I'll try and get the car on the road for next week (mot tax & insurance) and join you. Stephen.
    1 point
  3. Take the camera out to photograph a whhel nut. Switch camera on but battery is flat. Go back inside to change batteries. HM says "What's the matter" "Batteries flat" says I holding up the camera. "What, on the car?"
    1 point
  4. If you do drill it please please please film it
    1 point
  5. yeh thats what happens when you leave it up to SteveH to organise the wether, good job he has a good tent
    1 point
  6. Oh that brings back great memories of University. Best I managed was 6, but a mate managed 17 before getting bored!
    1 point
  7. Believe it or not this is exactly what I do.
    1 point
  8. OK, decided on Friday to get a Honda Type R. Looked at those on Autotrader. Had a budget of up to £3000. Phone a few but not impressed. Then phone a chap in Belle Vue, Manchester. Sounded OK so set off Sunday morning at 07:00 to see it. Malek showed me the car. He had bought it at auction for his brother but then found the insurance would be £3000. So wanted to move it on. Body and paint OK. Clock said 85,000 miles. Will need a tyre or two in about 3-6k. I told him it would need four tyres and a new cam belt ("R"'s have a chain). So I offered him £2500 instead of the £2800 he was asking. He tried to argue for £2700 then £2600. I have learnt how to haggle the bazaar way. So I turned and walked away saying "2-5, take or leave it" He took it. I phoned my daughter and got her to transfer £1 to see how long it took. Arrived in his bank in a few minutes. Then got her to transfer the £2500. This was at 09:30. We were still waiting for it to arrive at 16:00 and, at that time, gave up and came back to Sheffield. Had to postpone a meeting in Amersham, the ferry and hotel in Ashford. Went back next morning and money was in his bank and we drove back to Sheffield, HM following in the Audi. Got back to the office, transferred all the stuff from the Audi to the Honda and set off for Amersham. OK, My moan is this. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO TELL THESE BANKS THAT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. WE WILL NOT BE CHEATED ANY LONGER. THEY HAVE TAKEN THE MONEY FROM MY DAUGHTERS ACCOUNT IMMEDIATELY AND HELD IT FOR 24 HOURS (ON THE OVERNIGHT MONEY MARKETS). The same thing was happening with my euro transfer until I complained then it stopped and I now buy and get the Euros in my French bank the same day. If this sort of thing happened to the French there would be bankers hanging from every lamppost. The car seemed to have a slipping clutch so drove gently back to here. However I gave it some beans this morning and it is fine. Might have been some oil on the plate which has burnt off now. We will see. I reckon I can spend £1000 on it if I need to and still be ahead. It's very black and shiny, Needs a good, proper, clean which I'll do when the grass is cut and the gites are sorted and the grass is cut again and I've got several car loads of rubbish to the tip and the the porch is finished. We now have all the windows in and a front door. But no lock and the joints need sealing and .... OK, I'll clean the car before winter some time.
    1 point
  9. I know this won't cure things, and the police can't be everywhere, but I applaud it. Above everything else, it's thoughtless, selfish, inconsiderate and driving without due care and attention, and the sooner people start getting fined, the sooner things start to get better.
    1 point
  10. dont think anyone wants to see you flounce off at all wuv but just dont want to see anyone hurt or worse its usually the f****r that was driving like a nunney that gets away with it but ends up killing a innocent person , we all have our mad 5 minutes and those that denie it are lying but not all brag about it on a public forum , especially when we have police officers on here , and remember you are driving a small loud sports car that stands out like a sore d*** so you will very very soon get a reputation locally for driving like a c*** , please remember driving like a loony on the road has far worse consequenses than doing it on track , if you hit summat sideways in a westfield there is nothing and i mean nothing there to protect you , hit a anything sideways and you have a very high chance of dying ,there are no tree's on track or green box's or signs ,tree stumps anything at all tbh , be safe and enjoy your car steve
    1 point
  11. Ah happy days, a Type R with a nice stretch of sea between me and it!
    1 point
  12. helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo driving like a nunney on a public road is not big or clever and admitting you stacked it while doing so even worse imho , what would of happened if you took a biker out while spinning
    1 point
  13. Should have a fine for lorrys taking 10 miles to overtake another lorry too
    1 point
  14. The pipe should not be going back to the engine. PCV Valve here Terry
    1 point
  15. Presumably he should be buying from the latter, as more time is clearly spent tinkering with cars than on domestic duties?
    1 point
  16. With all the spares I am looking for £ 25,000 for it, but happy to take a Westie in part ex to help the deal. As to being able to drive it, unlike the big Gould's that I have had where you really have had to drive a smaller single seater first, this would be a very driveable car for most people. They are very well mannered as they are a proper race car. As your skill builds you get faster, you get more used to the aero and pushing it round the corners, that's the real skill in driving any of these types of car, using the aero and going into corners at speeds which you are convinced it will fall of and then it goes round But the actual handling and braking is so positive and you feel much more at one with the car than almost any other car you drive.
    1 point
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