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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/05/13 in all areas

  1. very nice to see you all at silverstone over the weekend especilly mum and dad , many many thanks for the roland garratt award ,it means a lot to me and special thanks for the other ,cheers a very happy steved https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/391478_169344019900589_1442020386_n.jpg
    3 points
  2. I've just got around to posting some photos of last winters little project, JK seats, PlaysKool 6pt. harness's, Carbon Mods arches, 3M Dinoc lining the tunnel and sides, Aerodynamix Carbon dash and JS Sports removable steering wheel so here they are- Thanks to the suppliers, they are all pleasant and helpful people to deal with.
    1 point
  3. With Aeroscreen you need waterproofs, in which case, with a helmet it's not too bad in wet weather. BUT, you also need to prepare the rest of the car too, so carpets out, soft trim out, grp or carbon shell seat. Drain holes in the seats and floor... And so on. (Assuming you want the option of all weather use). I ran Aeroscreened for six or seven years, all year round, but much as I like the feel of the car with an aeroscreen on, I just got fed up of all the faffing around with helmets etc. It also got to be a pain blatting with mates. Of the group of us that would usually go for runs together, I was the only aero'd car. I have to say, nobody ever said anything, but I often felt like I was being a pain, holding the others up everytime we set off, while I got ear plugs in, helmet on etc - I wear glasses too, so poping a lid on and off isn't quite so straightforward. Since putting the windscreen on, I've loved the car even more. I did have an idea at the start of making the wind careen and aero interchangeable Caterham style. But unfortunately, I find that the grp scuttle tends to change shape over time to match the windscreen or aero, so just wasn't going to work for me. Interchangeable scuttles would do it. But not sure if I'm that bothered!
    1 point
  4. 35 members in Essex? Most I have ever seen on a run is about 12, It does make me wonder why you would own a Westfield and hardly ever drive it? Or do they drive them without going out in a group? I love driving mine, just waiting for the right BEC to buy to use as a track day only car.
    1 point
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