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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/05/13 in all areas

  1. Well said Marto. keep well mate, God Bless that young soldier and his loved ones.
    1 point
  2. Hammy, i'm seeing Steve on Monday and will discuss it with him then. Cheers
    1 point
  3. Adam mate ..your not taking over it really helps...it does get difficult trying to come up with interesting things for the boys and their toys:)
    1 point
  4. I don't agree with Hanging as a punishment, too many miscarriages of justice have seen people hanged and then there is no chance of reversing a jury's decision or right of a appeal. The terrorists we all despise would be quite happy on seeing the death penalty re introduced, it would seem as a Badge of Honour for them, they fear nothing, as you have witnessed on the News this week, they had no intentions of making an escape. On that basis terrorist crime might even increase. Please don't catagorise Muslim people as all terrorists, 99.99% of them are very intelligent, gentle, law abiding people as are the indigenous people of the UK. There are bad apples in all religions and in all countries.
    1 point
  5. Paid! Just 4 spaces left - I'm going to post it on the Southern Kit Car Club forum to see if any of them want to play too. Looking forward to having a proper hoon.
    1 point
  6. If you had a vote today hanging would be brought back as the majority of people want it. It will never happen as people do not like the idea of a miscarraiage on justice. Instead Life should mean life, as it was promised to the people when it was abolished after Ruth Ellis was hanged, and Derek Bentley. Both were seen as wrong Derek Bentley as he was an 18 year old menatlly deficent lad with a 16 year old who shot a policeman, the case hung on wether "let him have it" meant shoot him or give him the gun? Ruth Ellis was an attractive young woman with a child who was being violently abused by a man who she shot. To me there is a whole list that would be hung where there is no doubt as to guilt. Ian Bradey is an example. at the moment he is being forced fed as he wants to die, let him. As for being barbaric, perhaps it is but not half as barbaric as keeping these people, well fed, warm with good medical care 24 hour attention, when we put our old people in homes where they get a worse deal.
    1 point
  7. According to the all-powerful CompSec, "In the last 4 years, no one has ever been there to test, but expect it is 105dB". Please note I have been playing backstage (again) and you can now see how many places are left in each session - at the moment, the 1:00, 3:00, 4:00 and 4:30 sessions have the most spaces left.
    1 point
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