Hello all, I spoke to Steve a few months back about the possibility of organising a run out, but with the twist of having a stop off somewhere to grab some pics and take a few drive-by vids... I had been up this way before but went scouting yesterday evening. There's a cracking road running from Rivington to Belmont, with a car park towards one end (which is also a good place to turn around and go back along it ): https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=rivington&hl=en&ll=53.638277,-2.508316&spn=0.021169,0.038581&sll=47.73855,12.508828&sspn=49.286038,79.013672&hnear=Rivington,+Lancashire,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=53.638263,-2.508007&panoid=jdPP1hNqELXaS_7FkK45xQ&cbp=12,170.79,,0,5.51 Here's what it looks like (excuse the samey pics and sloppy editing, didn't have a lot of time and just slung these together quickly before work): There are a couple of places I could set up with the camera and get some 'drive-by' pics and vids too. Something that may also be of interest is that my bookkeeper does canvas printing, really good quality and great prices - I am sure they would be up for a mates rates / bulk buy discount...
Anyone fancy it one evening? That's the best time for some nice soft, warm lighting