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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

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    jeff oakley

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/13 in all areas

  1. Hi, Just back from the Stoneleigh weekend and I personally think that it's been the best ever. The interior and exterior stands looked great, the atmosthere was great and it was great meeting old friends and making new ones. My favorite bit was the Sunday evening BBQ, I'm sure you'll all have your favorite bits too. Thanks for all those that came along, the sight of over 200 Westies parked up on block 53 was yet again a sight to behold, you all contributed to a great event. To give you a sense of perspective the maximum ammount of cars I counted on any other club stand was 36 Caterhams For all those that attended (and those that did not) I'd like to name (and in some cases shame) all those volunteers who made what you saw transform form the ideas and organisation of a few to a great two day event. Without these people to breathe life into the show it simply would not have happened for they are the real stars of the show. I sincearly hope that I have not forgotten anybody (and if I have I apologise and will add the names as soon as I am told) from Andy, Dave and myself a huge thanks Bob Redman, Martin Harmer, Philip Nicholls, Dave McNicoll, Scott Young, James Alexander, Ian Tolfree, Steve Farrimond, Martin van Zeller, Marcus Barlow, Ian Prior, Terry Brown, Steve Gordon, David Richings, Michael Baker, Dawn Frankland, Tom Frankland, Matthew Knight, Nigel Curry, Blessed, Jon Haiselden ,Nic Chase, Nic Chase's Son, Richard Botterill, Mark Assimakopoulos, Keith Coomber, Surinder Singh, Derek Hodder, Steve Livesey, Michele Stowe, Jon Stowe, Chris Moore, Jonathan Moore, John Walters, Margartia de Chastelain, Isis de Chastelain, Max de Chastelain, Don Hormer, Rich Clements, Martin Harvey, Michelle Harvey, Steve Farrimond, Gary Bunn, Mick Cooper, Duncan de la Mare, Julie de la Mare, Brian Jones, John Williams, Andy Reeves. Thanks also must go to our sponsors for putting on great displays that enhanced the profile and standing of the WSCC Troy and the Northampton Motorsport team. Luke and the the Playskool team. Julian and the Aerodynamics team. Toolorders in the marquee. Julian and Frank Turner and their families and the Westfield Sports Car team. We must also thank the WSCC committee for their continued help and support of the Stoneleigh event, thanks chaps. Last but not least I must thank two very tolerant and very hard working partners in crime. Andy Banks and Dave Eastwood, a massive thanks on behalf of the club for all of your hard work, effort and contribution to WSCC Stoneleigh 2013. We would not have acheived such a well organised and professional contribitution from the WSCC to Stoneleigh 2013 without your support. You two guys have gone above and beyond the call of duty. A massive thanks from me chaps, I sincearly know how hard both of you have worked to pull off a great show. Chaz.
    6 points
  2. great weekend all, really enjoyed it. nice to meet everyone. Ian, I still think that transfer is on crooked also found two look a likes for your car hope to see you all soon. Steve.
    2 points
  3. After all the trials and tribulations with the tractor: New battery, rad leaking, mower drive belt breaking and flat tyre. I finally get some of the grass cut. I've now done the small field, the wide bits of the orchard and the area in front of the gites. So yesterday I used our ride on to cut around the trees in the orchard and the edge of the field by the driveway. Drive belt on the ride on breaks. I've searched the net this morning but cannot find one. OK, I'll get it up in the air, try and work out which way it goes around the pulleys and wrap a piece of string round to get the length. I can then get one from Dominique the tractor garage. I start up the big tractor and mulch up some grass clods in front of the workshop the cut the area behind the old house. After that I come round to the front of our house and do a bit of mulching and cut the grass around the rotary wash line. As I turn to come out the front tyre catches on the side of an old plough. I now need another new inner tube to replace the one that's a few days old and another tyre. I'll be cleaning gites this afternoon. Or I may just give up and watch the snooker.
    1 point
  4. I had a great time on the Sunday and whilst walking around a few thoughts came to me. The first was the standard of cars now a days, there are many excellant cars which are a credit to whoever owns them. Regardless that some are as ugly as they come the standard of finish is very high now. Of course there are still the horrors, there was one car there that had a supercharged V8 on a chassis that looked awful clad in alloy. god knows if it went through SVA but it went like a mad thing when leaving, balls the size of an elephant to ride in that one. The replicas, how on earth DNA get away with thier Ferrari copies is beyond me, the latest 458 copy was impressive and only a true Tifosi would see the differance, even the engine sounds on low revs authentic why they allow it I do wonder as in Italy replicas are crushed. The Westfield stand and the Wscc stand were always busy, but some of the others demonstrating their wares looked so unapproachable which may be why they were devoid of punters which is sad as the cars were good, probably why the succesful ones have a balance between engineers and sales men. But the biggest thought was this, we are lucky we can still do what we do in these days of regulation, where we can build a car with little knowledge to start and still drive it legally. We must protect this so where we see other clubs with cars that are little better than box section with alloy riveted on, we should celebrate them and try to work together to ensure or hobby sport thrives and along with it jobs and prosperity.
    1 point
  5. Snooker You might as well go watch some paint dry Dont mind playing it as I down a few pints but it may be skilful but god its boring
    1 point
  6. One word... AstroTurf A mate of mine did his garden in some really nice stuff. No mud, no need to cut it, dog shlt just needs a hose off and stays great year round! I'm tempted myself.
    1 point
  7. Good that! Goes to show the simple seven design works extremely well and trying to beat it with technology and faffy design just won't work.
    1 point
  8. Got it, isn't their an official WSCC hi viz vest too
    1 point
  9. That's how I feel here in Birmingham... Everyone's huge, big fat fried chicken eating Brummies, then they need huge vehicles to cope with their huge fried chicken eating families! I've seen those daft Nissan Duke's squat right down because of the amount of "human" piled into it... They actually reproduce, I'm still trying to work out how! But when I was a tech and I got "faulty" kit in and it passed every test going and there was nothing wrong, "could've been a solar flare" would be common response. This now shows just how big they are.
    1 point
  10. Sorry, I'm not doing a part exchange, lol!
    1 point
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