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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/04/13 in all areas

  1. Help Required. I know it looks a long way off, but round 19 of this years WSCC Speed Series is planned for 16th June at Curborough. This year you will have the dubious pleasure of me (Fish) as your Secretary Of The Meeting!! As ever, this event will rely on volunteers for marshalling both for the Sunday sprint and the track day activities on Saturday. My plea is for volunteers to marshal for both days and also to assist with helping to set the track up over the weekend and also clear up after the event. If you could help, it would be very much appreciated. Can you please get in touch via email (fisherjohn1@sky.com) or PM and I will collate details. PS - let me know if you have a particular duty you would like - i.e. start line, paddock etc and I will do my best to sort. Also, if you can keep this on topic, I wold very much appreciate it Thanks Fish
    1 point
  2. NSSCC, NW Sports & Saloons, Mazdas, Sax Max, Clubmans, Karts, 2CVs are all racing at Croft this weekend. There are, as far as I know, a few wscc members racing in various events.. In the NSSCC races, Pilot Pete in his class D Honda Civic (No67) Mark "Cast Iron" Leybourne in his class E Westy (No77) North West Sports & Saloons, fil46 Blue VX Westy (No 42?) Mazda MX5 Adam R Not sure if Cam is out this year in the NW?? Plenty of sunscreen will be required. Timetable for the weekend is here: http://www.tsl-timing.com/?loc=club&season=2013&series=BARC&event=club&source=ed_BARC&eventid=131721
    1 point
  3. But an F1 car would look great next to the pianola. Perhaps SteveD could combine the two, Thelma and Louise style?
    1 point
  4. SteveD


    never never ever use hi spec motorsport ever ever ever ever ever ever ever bunch of useless f***s
    1 point
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