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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/04/13 in all areas

  1. What we, as a country, need to do is stop chucking our money at Africa, China and other places. KEEP IT! Charity starts at home. How can we afford to give money away if we don't have enough for ourselves???
    3 points
  2. Can we all spare a moment to remember Anne Williams who has died from cancer yesterday. Anne fought tirelessly to get the inquests for her son Kevin and the other 95 victims of the Hillsborough disaster overturned. I hope her fight was not in vain and the new inquests return verdicts of manslaughter. May she rest in peace.
    1 point
  3. Thanks, oil ordered with filter from Burton Total £43 inc postage Not too bad
    1 point
  4. Poor,poor woman on TV news .When questioned what she would do when her benefit is capped at 25K. Poor woman said she would try to cut down on gas,try to cut down on electricity and try to cut down on food shopping.....what the devil... Why doesn`t the lazy c@w TRY and get a job like the rest of us. Why should benefit scroungers get more than the average wage and that`s more than anyone who works for me gets ?
    1 point
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