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  1. I've been stopped a handful of times in my life and every time I have been patronised to the highest degree. It's left me with a very bad opinion of traffic cops. I would never be aggressive, cocky, or rude. You only have to watch the current tv fly on the wall cop shows to see that a fair few of the traffic cops are jumped up jobsworths with a badge and a high vis jacket. Conversely , when I've been burgled / had bikes stolen and the police have come to my house they have been really nice to deal with.
    1 point
  2. Norman It is a known fact that the police employ this tactic to get such a response I"m sorry but you cannot say that you have not judged him and using that excuse" if it was your car" is not an excuse for judging him and as a matter of fact when my car was done the police just said nowt we can do here is your crime number. Things are not black and white its true, and for this reason injustice is rife, especially when a officer interprets what he is doing as within the law and the public see it as liberty taking. Yet again Norman we do not see eye to eye on this subject and must agree to differ
    1 point
  3. I have very high regard for our police but understand some don't always act as they should. Same in all walks of life. With regard to the subject what we don't know is what was said when the officers and lad spoke by the side of the road. For example. if the officers asked why he sped up and the lad replied "well I didn't know you were a police car" I can see grounds for issuing a warning. However if the response was "I thought you were two young thugs out for trouble so thought the best action was to get away" may have brought a different response. But as we don't know we can't comment more than conjecture.
    1 point
  4. Lets just say it has made my opinion of the police service somewhat less than entirely positive. It's funny how an experience of a officer like this can change your whole attitude to the rest of the force, and of course when you vocalise your experience you then become classed as a police hater . In the original post it seems that the unmarked car instigated the offence committed, by tailgating which as we know is also an offence. I think reporting them is a waste of your time as nothing generally happens when you do. The other shame is that the membership secretary will never forget the actions of the officer who performed that wonderful stunt Whats that old saying "A few rotten apples"
    1 point
  5. People can be idiots behind the wheel, in or out of uniform. Police officers do a great job In general, but there are still a very few who think the shield allows them to do what they like, because they're only human. So don't take the following as a general rant against the police... I was driving on the M40 South at 7 in the morning. The lone car ahead on me was (of course) in Lane 2 doing 60mph, forcing me to overtake at 70 using Lane 3. A dark green Volvo S40 then approaches from behind at about 90 mph and plants himself on my boot lid, so much so that I couldn't see anything in my mirror but his windscreen, so less than a car length. I wasn't about to be bullied, so I kept my speed and safely completed the overtake, moving into Lane 1. The Volvo then pulled alongside me and the driver shook his fist at me, to which I replied with the universal hand signal to indicate he was an onanistic person. Next thing I know, the Volvo speeds up and cuts my across nose into Lane 1, again less than car length in front of me, forcing me to brake, which he did as well, down to 60. At the same time, a board in his rear window popped up and lit up, saying "POLICE". I did nothing, just held position. About ten seconds later, the board dropped back down and he sped off, again doing 90. Bear in mind that at no point were there blues and twos, and the car was completely unmarked. Less than a minute later, I saw the car pull into the services, so highly annoyed, I followed him in to see what was so important that he felt it a appropriate to bully me and put other motorists at risk. The answer was Costa Coffee - he needed a large latte. So I confronted him in the queue about his behaviour. After the surprise of being caught, he was unrepentant, so I demanded his name and number, got the registration number of the car, and reported him. Despite placing the report, and following it up with three phone calls in two months, I received no confirmations, no replies, and no apologies. Lets just say it has made my opinion of the police service somewhat less than entirely positive.
    1 point
  6. 2am in the morning with any car trailing you would be worrying and the last thing I would want to do is slow down . What if it was a young girl or woman? Lots of car jackings going on with quality cars at the moment so he has my sympathy.
    1 point
  7. Thanks Scott But I am really at the end of my budget I didn't realize how much an engine transplant cost! Her indoors can't take anymore!!!
    1 point
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