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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/02/13 in all areas

  1. as all of you will know i spent time recently in hospital following a stroke (not a massive thing in the grand scheme of life) anyway i origonaly went in to A n E because of double and blured vision disorientation , struggling to string a sentence together etc etc and was told to return the next day for a eye test with a specialist , anyway the specialist admitted me to the hospital asap saying my eyes are perfect its your brain mr D , so i sat in a corridor for 30 mins with bev worrying (her to)as i was told no more other than its your brain , then a wheel chair arrived and i was taken onto the ward where i waited 24hours for a cat scan and then 62 hours for a mri scan all the time sat in a bed waiting/worrying with no treatment at all no information fed to me for all that time and not knowing what the devil was up with me tbh ,i had to wait for a specialist eventually the specialist arrived from another hospital to view my mri , he told me i had a stroke etc and how important it was i listened to the staff at leighton hospital , after the diagnoses i waited another 26 hours for treatment which arrived in the form of tablets , i had another ultrasound on my neck then was told thats it your clear etc so was able to leave ,in the mean time while all this was going on i was told i had to have a lumba puncture 8 more blood tets all of which never happened , before i left te doctor said i would need to attened eye physio in two weeks time and would need to return to see the nurologist several times for assesment , so anyway i left without any medication as it was not ready (bev had to return to the hospital 5 hours later to collect it ,she was not told anything just given the tablets ,good job it says what to take on the packets and when , anyway weeks have past now and only yesterday did i receive a letter saying i have a appointment in waittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt for it may the f***** 15th to see the nurologist what the devil what the devil goodness me get f***** real 3 f***** months after what a absolute joke , i had a stroke goodness me not cut my finger ,this country is a f***** joke ,i cant even be arsed to go to the appointment im just going to get on with my life , best leave the the nhs to treat some polish nunney that needs it more than me
    2 points
  2. im moving to asia and opening a carpet shop in one of their places of worship / prayer
    1 point
  3. Sandwell Mrs C drives there as it's good driving! Smethwick too! She'll drive from harbourne, south to M5 or across to Westfield factory... But north is a no go! If anyone (every day for a week any time between 7am and 9pm) can go from Handswoth, to soho road, over snow hill fly over, onto A38 round to QE hospital and back via 5 ways round about (island if you're a brummie!) through lady wood, winson green and back over soho road to Handsworth and to the m6 without having to use the horn, emergency stop or sudden steering to avoid something I'll donate my Westfield to testicular cancer research! When I had my S2000 I filmed the driving and put it on YouTube! I filled up my YouTube allowance in a week!
    1 point
  4. In 2 days I will have been on the e-cigs for three months Not that I'm counting you understand ???
    1 point
  5. DougD, I've no idea if they count the consultants in the head count. Matt, It could be so much better if we handed over the running of the NHS to medical people. I've said that before and been shouted down on the grounds that "how would they get paid". You have what is called accounts departments to pay wages and deal with other financial matters. I know I go on (and on and on and on) about the French system but over here all decisions are based on medical need and not cost. If a doctor says you need something, no matter what the cost, you get it. Scanners are available as are the staff to operate them, If your doctor thinks that your condition requires urgent attention you are seen that or the next day. Even on non-urgent tests the longest I've waited is about 10 days. If the French can do it with about the same budget why can't we?
    1 point
  6. Got a standard IVA friendly boss to go on the standard Mountney wheel, wheel still in use though. If you want it I'm just down the road in Sale. Bob
    1 point
  7. Sorry to hear that Jonty. Best of luck with it
    1 point
  8. Got a good deal on my home and contents
    1 point
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