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  3. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/13 in all areas

  1. cheers guys really appreciate that i real;y mean it marshall has been a god send to me, me dad had done me proud i just need to keep doing a bit each day and not over do it , i feel that doing a half a day pottering is better than sitting at home going out of my mind with worry ,i would rather keep my mind acctive and not think about things to much , anyway me dads picking me up and were off to club night
    2 points
  2. Wish I had £340 a week to spend on Girls, beer and clubs.
    2 points
  3. Haha, I didn't go far, just a quick blat around the town and picked up my daughter from school, which she loved. I got the tracking checked this morning and I have had my lobro joints off for boot replacement so was more of a mini shakedown run, which went swimmingly . Roll on summer
    1 point
  4. Use Microsoft Security Essentials, It's free and unlike many other AV products it imposes virtually no overhead on the operating system. I've been using it for well over a year with no probs and I know several people using it in a small business environment now with equally good results ;-)
    1 point
  5. thats the Saturday blast route round skye now planned and should gets up back to Applecross for about 5 in time for dinner.
    1 point
  6. The point I was making was the inference that no one can be prosecuted and it would need a change of law. All I was asking was why can't the managers be prosecuted? The report says that management forgot the hospital was supposed to care for patients and only concentrated on keeping costs within budgets. Reports are that between 400 and 1200 people died from this. The prosecution don't have to prove they all died as a direct result of the neglect, one will do. The main problem with the NHS getting medical people to run their departments is that the consultants don't work for the NHS. Whilst not wishing to start an argument, surely those that champion the NHS should ask themselves have they experienced any other countries system. I have and I'm so happy that Lynne was taken ill here and not in the UK. I'm also glad that my heart condition was diagnosed here and not in the UK. I had an Ultra Sound within 2 hours of diagnosis here. Then, a few months later, in the UK, I waited 3 months. In France you can't get health care on the system without a "Carte Vittal". Would the cost of issuing everyone entitled a card be more than is spent on treatment for those not entitled? (genuine question) As for politicians, they're all the same. None will take responsibility.
    1 point
  7. Couldn't agree more Norman its time all these turkeys were held responsible for their actions, not just NHS managers how about parole boards who release prisoners who have given them the old sob story and within hours (sometimes) of release then reoffend. Politicians who promise the earth then deliver next to nothing, sent an e mail to the useless waste of space that occupies No 10 at the moment saying how about a party manifesto becoming a legally binding document, funnily enough I have had no reply, and before anyone says they are accountable and can be voted out, going into opposition whilst retaining all expense and pension rights doesn't seem like much of a hardship to me. I'm sure other people can think of lots of other instances, but as a site manager who is responsible in a court of law should any of the workers on site suffer through things I have or indeed have not done it makes my p*** boil to see all these people in positions of trust who seemingly get away without any recourse no matter what mistakes they make or the consequences of those mistakes. Rant over.
    1 point
  8. Doctors in charge of their departments??? Isn't it funny how you give someone a title, Dr, and everyone thinks they are the answer to everything and god like. Doctors know poke all about ward management. They are Doctors and struggle enough with treating patients as it is. Their work load is more than they can handle. Same as everyone in the NHS. What they need is less management roles, more caring roles and management roles to actually do their jobs. Too many nurses are too posh to wash, managers are too important to leave the office, everyone passes jobs to other people and nobody takes responsibility. That's the issue we have with the NHS. Too easy to job dodge! GP's are now being given budget responsibilities... That's cracking! They need accountants, or someone that know what actually goes on. Some Dr's are so stuck in 1885, where the real world hasn't integrated with theirs. Things like red wine having less sugar than white, so safe for diabetics. Well wine contains alcohol, sugar produces the alcohol... Thus no difference. But patients trust a Dr's word... "They're a doctor, they know". Some of the things doctors have said to patients is amazing, but their word's taken as gospel. Before an argument starts, doctors are very good at their speciality... Some are magical and really know their fecal matter! But this whole god like status they get is really ridiculous and makes me giggle. I often get "So are you a nurse to become a Doctor?" These patients then get a shake of the head and a smile, followed by "No, I like patient care, to get to know a patient and control their recovery... How often do you see a doctor? Once, twice a day... If you're lucky? Then who do they turn to for advice on plan of care, yes the nurse. Who's been with you for 12hours a day and knows you better than anyone else in the hospital.". Doctors are doctors, so let them be a doctor! If you give them a hundred other responsibilities, how can they be a doctor?
    1 point
  9. Sorry Mick from my interpretation I thought you meant use the chassis as well. But if you were to pull the car apart to take the parts you could use, absolutely! You could get some very good parts for relatively little money, as you could easily spend that kind of money on the engine alone. Having said that why don't you take it to the next level and buy a Gould GR37 and pull the engine out of that and pop it into a westfield! :p I know where one of those is, I'm just waiting for him to go on holiday!
    1 point
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