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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/13 in all areas

  1. Unless somebody has been holding back, its not going to be the best issue.... ...Just managing the expectations of any newbies
    1 point
  2. Throw yourself in at the deep end.. best way to learn anything
    1 point
  3. Bev's got it dead right. You need treating like a chuffing baby if you're going to act like one.
    1 point
  4. Your you could cut out the middle man and just visit the trophy shop and purchase the largest pot they have.
    1 point
  5. Pm's replied to , will let you know Kev after I have had a reply off Phil , Photo of wheels on link below http://www.flickr.com/photos/44733942@N03/8449118618/in/photostream
    1 point
  6. I've already sent this txt to Steve and I dont want to go through it again. This morning I took a call to say a friend had died, someone I take exercise with everyday at work, walked with him and another friend over the last 8 or so years probably around or in excess of 1000 miles in total. We walk and discuss, express opinions, argue and debate; all the time getting a good bit of exercise from a fast 40 minute walk. He was the fittest of the 3 and a long distance runner. Determined and honourable but also ignored some warning about his health. Last night at 6:30 he had a heart attack and later died in hospital. 45 years old, 2 kids and a wife.Just starting to plan for a retirement in 10 or so years. I'm p******** with him for not taking it seriously I dont know what the doc had said but we had discussed some issues he had with blood pressure. We dont get many warnings but when we do they have to be taken seriously.
    1 point
  7. tbh im really quite worriedthat my sight may never return properly to the way it was ,if it does not get any better im screwed tbh as i cant drive or work as i am seriously im f***** ,that is quite a sobering thought ,so i have to do my best my mother was 70 on monday she went away sunday dinner until mid day today to the cotswolds with my sister (pre booked) i made her go as she does not have hollidays and she wanted to stay at home and visit me ,the last time she had a break was a few years ago with us for a weekend after my father died ,to see her crying and worrying about me is not nice to see and upsets me ,so i have no choice but to fight this anyway my challenge now is to sneak out to the pub (for a orange juice) without bev knowing this could prove my hardest challenge to date :cry: let the challenge begin
    1 point
  8. cheers guys n girls i know i have to take this seriously i have taken in all the advice , i know i take the p*** and like to fool around have a laugh etc, but i seriously dont want to die just yet so a couple of weeks of light work before picking up the pace ,no beer no **** food etc and no stress
    1 point
  9. So Steve they know whats wrong with you. Do not take the p*** . As I told you last Sunday I had a heart attack last year only a minor one HA HA. They kept me in hospital under observation for over 3 weeks several test s etc. etc. I felt fine and complained wanting to go home, no chance. I didn't understand cause I felt great. One morning Surgeon came in said very sorry but we are going to operate Triple bypass and a new valve. I did exactly what they told me after the op. Now After 8 months I am getting back to normal. Life has fired a waning shot over your bows mate so take notice take the advice of all the people on here, Sermon over get well soon Marty
    1 point
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