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  1. I bought my car from a dealer based in Newmarket in 2001 by the name of Terry Nightingale. That name will sharply divide the opinions of the older members in here. Some will say he was a knowledgeable and talented man. Others will say he was a complete of a human being with overpriced cars. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle. However, I did buy a car with a very complete build history and set of paperwork, and the car has been very reliable these last 11+ years and brought me a great deal of joy. It may have been slightly over-priced, but it had a warranty (that I never used) and he couldn't have been more helpful to me, answering loads of questions, fitting a smaller diameter steering wheel and a cranked shift lever before I collected it, and gave me the full story of the car which I confirmed as accurate with the previous owners. In other words, like any purchase, you pays your money and you takes your chances. In my case, it worked out splendidly. The car had been built by two guys who worked at the Ford parts depot at Daventry (I think a good deal of it came out in the lunchboxes!). They finished the car and had only put 500 miles on the clock when they were transferred to Ford in South Africa! They kept it in storage for a number of years until they realised they weren't coming back, and sold it on. It's obvious from our newest member's blog he knows which end of a spanner is which, and it's a very nice car to start with - I predict much success and many miles with many smiles.
    1 point
  2. Ah right thanks for that Norm...I don't spend that much time on here anymore so I didn't see that thread Buzz
    1 point
  3. Steve- No shower shots will be published!
    1 point
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