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  1. Inspirational echoz, I had issues that had me not walking for a while, months of falling over and a lot of frustration, but no way I was giving up my mobility! But I have to say it seems to be military people that just do stuff. The issue we have are those people that expect a magic pill to solve there issues... The type of persons that says "It's alright for you, you're given it on a plate! You're given money every month, you're given your job!" Boils my fcuking blood! I calmly reply with "Well... If it's that easy... Go and join the army." Usually get replies of "I couldn't stand being told what to do" "I'm not fit enough" "I couldn't get up early"... Stuff like that, I then say "see, I'm not given my money, only difference between us is motivation."
    1 point
  2. It look just like yours John it has no cycle wings
    1 point
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