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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. XTR2Turbo


    Speed Series Competitor

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  4. Blatman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/12 in all areas

  1. I feel qualified to comment on Bulk Buys. When I organised what were probably the biggest bulk buys ever done by car clubs (the last one saw me sending $98,000 to China) I never gave a thought that I could get my stuff free. I paid exactly the same as everyone else. Of course I was accused of making money out of it. I can show anyone who's interested the accounts for both BB's and they will see that I never took a penny and paid in full for every item purchased. The first one had several hundred pounds over which went to Leukemia Research and the second had £12 over which, I admit, I kept. However on the second BB I had made several long phone calls to Mr Ma in China and they cost far more than £12. This is a club. To say it's OK for someone to get something free for organising a BB is wrong. That person is, in effect, taking money from fellow members. If a supplier offered me something free for organising I wouldn't have any hesitation in converting that into a lower price for all. OK, said what I feel and am now in trouble again.
    3 points
  2. Not so fast there... The committee have discussed the matter backstage and recognising all the contributions made by Andy to club and members, we're pleased to give him another year's membership for free. Andy, please PM me your full postal address and contact number so I can update the records and ensure you get the calendar and mags in 2013 - ta!
    2 points
  3. This is an offer that anyone with self respect will not take up, even though Steve would mean what he has said. Everyone has had the chance to nominate the commitee and now they have reached a decision that some find wrong we have all this hassle. I can see all the reasons why but my subscription with PPC ends when I stop paying, to me this is no different. If that many object stand at the next election for the commitee and change it instead of the exchanges we have seen on here in the last few days. If I was a prospective member on my 30 day trial, I would be thinking is this what I want to belong to? We should move on and let the commitee make this work, if not they can rethink it. I used to be an AO and that was a pretty thankless task, the commitee must be feeling it even worse.
    1 point
  4. Done it, wow! I am amazed at myself, no PayPal either!!! The trick is to use a PC not iPhone! Use the pay by PayPal, an invoice is raised and alongside payment with or without PayPal. Go for without and fill details, submit…wait…job done…phew!!! Will I remember next year!
    1 point
  5. An open goal if ever I saw one... The purpose of a shop window is to let people SEE what's on offer. How many of us go in the shop, use the goods then leave without paying. Or maybe lots of people do... Maybe the non payers are the sort of those folks who read the papers in Smiths but never buys one? Perhaps they only ever go in to a pub to use the bog? On the other hand, there are plenty of shops that will let potential customers try before they buy. We do that too, for 30 days. Try asking the bloke at the shoe shop if it's OK to wear a pair of shoes for a month then return them slightly used because they didn't meet expectations, and then not pay. The forum IS the shop window but like any shop, potential customers don't get to benefit from the product without parting with a fair price for the goods and services offered.
    1 point
  6. It's been on before, but if like me you missed it and were a fan of Group B rallying in the Eighties, head to BBC4 at 10 pm tonight for "Madness On Wheels, Rallyings Craziest Years".
    1 point
  7. I've joined again ! I've not posted here for a long time but it's a useful source of info and amusement. This club stopped me buying a Robin Hood about 11 or 12 or so years ago and that's got to be worth £30 !
    1 point
  8. Yep, we can manage ourselves on the new style Forum. (I do appreciate the irony in that statement )
    1 point
  9. as JFK might say .. 'Ask not what your club can do for you, ask what you can do for your club'
    1 point
  10. A question probably best answered by me (for once) - there have been some unhelpful and unfounded rumours and speculation flying about on this subject for some time, which I am very happy to lay to rest. We are NOT losing members - quite the opposite, in fact. I can happily confirm that since December 2011 (pre-new boardroom), we have gained over 200 paying members and that number is still increasing. We did NOT lose members in January when the new boardroom came online - quite the opposite, in fact. The old system that previous MemSecs had to endure, and which I also inherited until I did a great deal of work and got all club members manually migrated to the new boardrooms, was an absolute nightmare to administer. The new boardroom has greatly simplified joining the club and renewing membership for both member and MemSec alike. Although I cannot put an exact number on it, we have definitely gained, not lost members. Members are NOT forced to pay via PayPal - they can also pay via credit card (through the PayPal site), set up PayPal to take the annual subs automatically, send me a personal cheque, or press filthy cash money directly into hand at any time they wish to delight me by joining or renewing, which is clearly explained in the Membership FAQs. Nothing is going to be to everyone's liking from a standpoint of making a membership payment, but there's sufficient variety to please practically everyone. Part of the reason membership numbers dropped in 2011 was, of course, the economy, as you would expect, but much more of it was because members were living in the 21st century while the club was not. Many members in 2011 either failed to get renewal notices in the good old-fashioned post, didn't look at their membership cards and forgot their memberships had expired, or forgot to fill the forms in and return them with a cheque to the MemSec - as a result, member numbers pre-new boardroom were tumbling at an alarming and dangerous rate. Let's face it, how many cheques do most people write these days? How many letters do you post versus emails? Most people prefer to do things online these days, and the club had to respond. The new boardroom and new online payment system, and I'm not being over-dramatic here, has significantly helped towards saving this club - fact. I would go so far as to say that without it and the other decisions taken and changes made by the committees past and present, there'd be a good chance that you'd all have a long weekend at the beginning of May 2013 with nothing to do, i.e. no WSCC at Stoneleigh - or anywhere else. So there's the facts, and let's not have any more false rumours about club member numbers please. Things are significantly better now than this time in 2011, and I'm doing all I can to keep that trend going. Thanks. (Members can go into the WSCC Members Only section and download my 2012 AGM Report for more details, which has been up since July 2012.)
    1 point
  11. Spot on Andrew. Whilst recognising that we have sponsors, pretending that competition does not exist is foolish. We do not offer sponsors exclusivity, nor endorse their products, yet we seem to now be offering protection, we offer exposure not an artificial environment. I do feel strongly on this point, we exist to bring the best deals to our members, not just the deals we like.
    1 point
  12. Need to fit a new colvern type tps and need to fit it in the same position as the old one and I don't know where it was. I have the DTA manual, the DTA software, the map and a serial to USB cable but have no idea what to do next Anyone offer some advice please?? I want to learn all about this but got bored after 11 pages of search produced nothing useful Rory's Dad
    1 point
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