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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/12 in all areas

  1. OK, I've read several pages of this thread and there are many valid concerns one way and the other. As I see it the club/committee have acted on pressure created by financial strain, which those of us who were at the AGM heard about. Many issues have clearly been addressed at the most recent committee meeting, we must bear in mind that the committee members are Volunteers and are geographically challenged hence the need to get as much sorted round one table in one visit. I think it's very easy to forget that the members responsible act in our/the clubs best interests and almost certainly will not please all of the people all of the time. Whether we all agree with the new BB rules or not, they have clearly been well discussed and argued over between committee members and this is what has been agreed. Personally I think we all need to calm down, stop shooting each other, allow the changes to filter in and allow them to be tweeked as necessary, if it's wrong I'm very sure it will be put right in due coarse. Slanging each other off, and frankly being childish in reply to others is not what made this club great. These are clearly challenging times for the WSCC, we must all pull in the same direction, take a bit of pain and move forward. As I see it if we continue to p*** off our volunteer committee members, club stewards and area organisers, before long we will not have a club. Fact. Long live a successfull and prosperous WSCC!!
    2 points
  2. ...AKA the Winter issue of Westfield World, is now out, along with a superb 2013 calendar, which members should be receiving any time now! Thanks as always to all who contributed, and to Peter Osbourne for doing his usual superb job putting the magazine and calendar together. As to whose photos made the calendar... ...you'll have to wait and see!
    1 point
  3. Come on Mark, get your finger out. Windy is gonna have his Escort finished before you at this rate
    1 point
  4. Your motor is Miss December. :t-up:
    1 point
  5. Uncomfortable, really? I suspect most members couldn't give a monkey if a member organising a BB gote something from the deal or not. Afterall they are only interested in the deal that is on the table to them, if they like it they will entre it, if not they will not. What possible concern could that be for the committee? If the deal is not good enought, members will not take it up and it will fail....self policing if you will. So if after all of this we are now down to all BB's are vetter first, why? what are you protecting? Oh and i am still awaiting an answer as to why a member can not advertise a none members car or parts in the appropriate section (not a link). I explained earlier that this is not a lost revenue position, but rather one of cutting one's noise to spite their face. Less quality cars for sale, less newbie interest, less drive to be a member etc..........
    1 point
  6. I had towards the end when writing it .
    1 point
  7. PM sent steve if not already sold....
    1 point
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