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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

    WSCC Life Member

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  2. Blatman


    WSCC Life Member

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  3. Doug Dastardly

    Doug Dastardly

    WSCC Member

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  4. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/12 in all areas

  1. OK, I've read several pages of this thread and there are many valid concerns one way and the other. As I see it the club/committee have acted on pressure created by financial strain, which those of us who were at the AGM heard about. Many issues have clearly been addressed at the most recent committee meeting, we must bear in mind that the committee members are Volunteers and are geographically challenged hence the need to get as much sorted round one table in one visit. I think it's very easy to forget that the members responsible act in our/the clubs best interests and almost certainly will not please all of the people all of the time. Whether we all agree with the new BB rules or not, they have clearly been well discussed and argued over between committee members and this is what has been agreed. Personally I think we all need to calm down, stop shooting each other, allow the changes to filter in and allow them to be tweeked as necessary, if it's wrong I'm very sure it will be put right in due coarse. Slanging each other off, and frankly being childish in reply to others is not what made this club great. These are clearly challenging times for the WSCC, we must all pull in the same direction, take a bit of pain and move forward. As I see it if we continue to p*** off our volunteer committee members, club stewards and area organisers, before long we will not have a club. Fact. Long live a successfull and prosperous WSCC!!
    1 point
  2. Appreciate that! I'm also aware that there might be some taxes stolen from banks from my place to yours, we all know now that the channel is a dangerous place with ships disappearing rather quickly, though. So if my membership appears to generate some uncovered expense, just add to the bill what you think it costs. This forum is important and it deserves support. Cheers. Jos
    1 point
  3. That's one of the questions I just emailed the club treasurer! Will get back to you soon - until we get it sorted, I'll stick a week on to your membership for you so you don't get cut back and suffer.
    1 point
  4. I'd be far more drastic! Get 50% of MP's and do an exchange with German MP's. so the one's here can be taught and see actual change and the one's there can see how the difference has worked after many years on implication.
    1 point
  5. i will do what i have to at the end of the day ,it all supprts the club and im all for that , who want my money then
    1 point
  6. im keeping my windscreen so my cigar wont burn too quickly......
    1 point
  7. I'm sure you boys considered this but for the sake of clarity, would the bulk buy supplier be required to pay the Trade Member subscription? If not, how does one arrange for a supplier to become a trade member? My concern here is that if the bulk buy items were not of sufficient value, any discount / cost benefit may be lost as the supplier (who may not previously have thought of becoming a trade member and may well decide that there is limited benefit to so becoming) seeks to recover his up front costs.
    1 point
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