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  1. John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

    John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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    Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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  1. Chaz, I may have the wrong end of the stick, but I get the distinct feeling that there actually have been issues with some bilk buys, just that, fortunately for the club, the issues aren't common knowledge. - I say fortunately, as I've seen in other clubs how toxic and damaging such issues can be when they spiral out of control, in public, on forums, fanned by the keyboard warriors. Further, and appologies if I'm just reading it wrong, I get the feeling the committee is trying to avoid exactly spelling it out in any more detail publically, possibly because it would make the protagonists too easily identifiable? See my previous point about such things being aired on the Internet.
    2 points
  2. I can see 2 scenarios for bulk buys - those initiated by members and those initiated by companies. Both cases should be treated separately in my opinion
    2 points
  3. I am moving home next month and after pondering what to do about my telephone and internet providers, I opted to swap both to my current ISP in a bundled deal. Having set that up, I rang my present telephone provider - a big one, possibly even the biggest - to arrange for my home 'phone to be disconnected on the date of my move in December. The female on the other end tapped away at a keyboard and muttered "Oops, it has defaulted to today's date for the disconnection - I'll try and catch that". After another attempt she went off the line for a few minutes and when she returned she said that she'd fixed it and that I could rest assured that it would cease on the required date. Good! ...or so I thought... Next task: to set up a redirect on my post. Pick up the 'phone, dial: three rising tones and "the number you have dialled is not recognised, please check and try again". The b*******s had only dropped my line already! Not ten minutes after being assured it was to happen on the arranged date and I have no land line. I go to the relevant website (luckily the broadband is still on even though the 'phone isn't) and request a conversation with a service agent. They call me on my mobile and the upshot is that my line is 'pending' disconnection, will finally die tomorrow and until it does it cannot be reinstated. Oh, and when it is I shall have a new number! Oh and that'll take another 48 hours! Oh and my internet/broadband will take a further 48h. Oh and my provider probably won't reconnect me before I move. I rant and the customer service manager tells me to get a PAYG internet dongle which will be paid for by the company. I bet! I can see that this will have a few more episodes yet... If I ever get reconnected.
    1 point
  4. i think you will find reading and agreeing are two seperate events
    1 point
  5. Happy Birthday young man, hope you have a good one.
    1 point
  6. Happy days. :d Just rang work and told them where to shove the job
    1 point
  7. OK gentlemen AOs, I can see your point on needing an extra URL - you shall have two, provided they are used correctly as in the OP, which I have no doubt they will be.
    1 point
  8. Indeed. Most of the good deals on here are ones that the member initiates and does all the hard work for. On the forum I used to run (one which was many times the size of WSCC) we had a rule for smaller traders posting - basically their posts had to be advantageous to the members. If they want to post up offering at reasonable discount to members then they can go ahead - the cost to them being the discount to the members. That way they can't post/advertise without the members getting a direct benefit, and the mods reserved the right to remove a post if they didn't feel the discount/offer was good enough - something to consider which would support the current member driven deals while allowing attractive offers from smaller traders.
    1 point
  9. Yes Simon there is more to it, but we should aim to add even more to membership benefits and not take away, this is the issue we are all cross with.
    1 point
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