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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

    Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/10/12 in all areas

  1. The best advice i can give is.... Don't be afraid to ask and no question is a stupid question. Enjoy the build and if you get stuck with anything, that's where the forum and it's members will help you. And welcome
    1 point
  2. This is one of the simpler theories of quantum mechanics. You should try getting your head around Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
    1 point
  3. Just bin out for a walk round Daisy Nook for just over an hour, dull, grey, raining now and then, home now, made a brew, and the effin' suns shining now
    1 point
  4. Forgive my ignorance, but could you adhere a standard number plate to the 45-degree angle of the splitter? You could bevel the bottom edge of the number plate to an angle so that it reduces the attack thickness of the leading edge of the combined splitter / number plate combination, or use a non-standard (i.e. illegal and not recommended) stick-on number plate if you're feeling lucky and wish to chance your arm. AFAIK, the law states you must affix the number plate to a vertical surface on the front of the car - that splitter face is more vertical than the top of the nose cone. Just a thought...soon to be shot down in flames!
    1 point
  5. Decided not to reply on the day, as I was too annoyed to put it anywhere near as eloquently as Scott. I understand a few people have reported issues, but as I have no personal direct knowledge or experiance of those issues, I can't comment. And don't want to blindly repeat things I've heard on the net. Like it or not, and it seems some don't, my only experiance so far as been excellent, of both parts and the factory generally. The minute that changes for me, I will let anyone who'll listen know! As far as my experience of the companies service goes, a typical example is the roof I recently bought, I'd originally arranged with Gav to collect it from the factory once he let me know it was in. As luck would have it, it arrived the week of the Donnington show, and despite how busy I know they all were, Gav and Russ arranged between themselves to get my roof to Russ, who could get it brought up to the show in the trailer with the drift car. Where Russ then took time off the stand in the main hall to nip out to the drift stand with me so that I could get my new roof. The irony is, I've I'd ordered it a month or so later, the companies managing director and sales manager would have just as happily brought it up in the boot of their car as they visited the Cheshire meet. (in fact they did bring some stuff up with them for another Cheshire member), so let's also knock on the head the idea that Gav and Russ are the only ones worth of personal praise down there. Our impartiality means as a club, just that, being impartial, reporting the bad and the good and resisting the urge for childish knee jerk responses.
    1 point
  6. Packaging is avoidable...let's not limit the list to avoidable things, that would be dull! One from me - children in pubs. I used to go to the pub to get away from the miserable screaming twits, now the pubs are packed with them. And by packed, I mean one if it's crying, screaming, running around, within 30 foot of me, or all of these.
    1 point
  7. A+++ for effort wuv :laugh: :yes:
    1 point
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