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    John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/08/12 in all areas

  1. I never really got all the Olympic hype leading up to the games. Indeed by chance I flew out of the country on the Thursday one day before the opening. However passing through Heathrow that day did impress me. The excitement of athletics arriving, the level of organisation that was so visible and the many volunteers there helping tourists and athletes alike. On my return I became addicted following the Wiggins win. What did it for me was: Seeing the public getting behind non mainstream sports for a change and showing the public that there is so much more than football The emotion and excitement of it all and the look of wonder on athletes faces as they succeed. Team GBs amazing success Quality BBC coverage Good organisation that we should all be proud of. My only regret is that I didn't witness anything live. Was it worth it all? Yes many times over if the legacy means: 1) we say good by to the chavy, get rich quick, x factor celebrity culture and get back to working for success 2) the country (and media) moves from being cynical and negative to opportunist, confident, ambitious and wanting to succeed and compete in the world. 3) with this generation the trend in rising levels of obesity and non healthy lifestyles is reversed 4) that we learn the model of Team GBs success in coaching, motivating and mentoring and apply it to the business, engineering and scientific young of the country
    2 points
  2. Of course it was worth it. It was the best Oplympics to date and made Britain look magnificent. Who wouldnt want to deal with us now after we have just organised this masterpeice?
    2 points
  3. I've gone down the upgrade route...bought a basic car about 7 yrs ago, and it's taken me that long to get it where I want. I have similar ish power to you, have spent a decent amount of money making the car as light as possible and having the suspension set up by a pro, and realised some time ago that it's my driving that probably costs me the most in lap times. I would always upgrade in the following order 1). Driving skill, 2). Handling, 3). Power. For me I get a big chunk of enjoyment tinkering and upgrading....sometimes, dare I say it, I prefer this do driving.
    1 point
  4. Someone today sent me an article by Chris T-T (it's a blog I think) which ended with this summary. And I agree wholeheartedly with it. As someone said above, perhaps it's an age thing. What Boyle’s Opening Ceremony had done was open up the doors; a box of delights; the best of what we are and what we can be in Great Britain, how we built this motherf****r. Showing us our truthful crazy-beautiful spirit and heralding in two weeks of sport in such a way that we felt something could be reclaimed and changed. We repaid him by being the best athletes, volunteers and audience in history. What Gavin’s Closing Ceremony has done is to throw Britain back in the box and slam it shut; fiercely and unquestioningly placing current hegemonies back in charge; re-infantilising and re-exoticising all that Boyle had tried to unlock for us; a revenge for the otherness and the hierachy and the celebrity-for-its-own-sake, just as these bulls*** Cowellian things had seemed to be proven unneeded. It was a boot on our face. I wonder how we’ll repay him.
    1 point
  5. Whilst I like the universe and planetary exploration I could NEVER justify the amount of money we spent to get to the Moon and beyond but we still do it! I went to the Athletics and it was amazing. Never seen so many happy people with GB flags and shirts etc cheering for everyone including our own team. It wasn't my decision to have the games here but if you are going to do it ( as others have said) then at least we did it right!!!!!!!!!! AND YORKSHIRE and the rest of GB team got lots of medals
    1 point
  6. I do 600 miles a week in my Westfield! Get some better seats! Birmingham city centre, 10pm, way home from work! Yes it's snowing.
    1 point
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