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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/12 in all areas

  1. Do you know what they look like? I've got a random one which could well be a zetec. Edit: do you need the metal mounts? I only have the cylindrical rubber part.
    1 point
  2. The Myerton Motor Museum opens at 10.30 and the Jim Clark Room in Duns opens at 2.30. So I suggest we convene at Myerton circa 10.45. This will allow plenty of time to have a look around the museum (its quite small) and then head off for a blat and a bite to eat before getting to Duns in the afternoon. Neville
    1 point
  3. Hooray! It'll be good to see you Rab. Anyway, we'll need your local knowledge to guide us round East Lothian ;-) Cheers, Matt
    1 point
  4. Don't fall off your seat old man, but I might come along to this one!
    1 point
  5. :down: :down: Very disappointed with the level of service from Parts .................... Had ordered rear boot box after Stoneleigh show.....Picked it up, and found cracks and 100's of pin holes in it, took it straight back following day, told by Westfield parts guy's Not acceptable, and re ordered a replacement, and I also ordered a rear valance...........Thought I may have been prioritised due to the poor product from the body shop whom had screwed up, How wrong was I !! Hum.....That was back in.........let me think.. start of June!!!! And still waiting.....What happened to "3 week" lead time as advertised Or have I miss read it, should it state "3 Month" ? Promised start of this week...........That came and went..........No calls nor emails ....No one will pick up the phone...Does it work ?? :down: :down: Very disappointed indeed........... And before any clever d*** start's............ "WELL I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS"!!!!! "Well, bully for you matey" !!!! There are enough complaints from hard working westy owner's on this forum who do !!! p******** off Ditch !!!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I hate being part of the Anti-Fun Police lads, but topless photos and links to them are not allowed, however gorgeous she is. Sorry.
    1 point
  8. Thats what I said, Tel! You are of course quite correct.
    1 point
  9. no it won't yes it will well maybe it will be the never ending story but i reckon it will be someone asking how to bleed brakes
    1 point
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