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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/12 in all areas

  1. I'm using a local garage to get the initial setup for the IVA then mine will be going to NMS - hopefully on a weekend when the Saints are playing at home and I'll try and convince my sister to let me use her season ticket so I'll get double the bang for my buck! Now I must be dreaming; a sunny weekend in Sept/Oct drive Westfield to Milton Keynes, pick up the brother-in-law (and sister's season ticket) - drop Westfield at NMS, Saints win (Saracens or Tigers - it's my dream!!!), pick up the Westfield and a spirited drive back to MK through the Salcey Forest, then to Silverstone or Bedford for a trackday on the Sunday before heading back to the SW on A/B roads - will only have to refill the car at least ~3x to complete the road elements!! - oh no just woken up - garage full of bits and another rainy summer Sunday!!!!!!
    1 point
  2. So there I was, trundling along the back roads of Kent. I had not been through rain but the wet roads indicated there had been showers so I was not pushing on much. I approached a place appropriately named Stone Cross with a tight double apex right hander after a crest. My speed was fine for the dry but as I came in the road was clearly very wet and the second part of the turn very sharp. It was clear I was not going to get round and the option of braking or lifting were long past - better to wait for the slide and try to hold it. But those old live axles really let go in the wet and I was a passenger spinning around and then going backwards into the nearside shrubbery. Once the car came to a stop and the various branches twigs and leaves stopped whacking me in the face, I concluded that I was ok and wondered what the next bloke coming round the corner was going to make of the scene because I had no traction and couldn't move. He turned out to be a White Knight, stopped got out, asked if I was ok and looked over the car. He then asked if I had a tow rope (which I always do) and then pulled me out with his Astra. Apart from a broken rear number plate, no damage (as far as I can tell up to now) apart from injured pride. It shows you that there really are some good people around mixed with the odd idiot like myself, this chap in the Vauxhall turned out to be a recovery driver out for trip with his misses - so how lucky was that? Trouble is I did not get his details so I can't write to say thanks. Lesson learned? I hope so.
    1 point
  3. Who represented my local constituency at the time - after the last general election, when a Conservative got the seat back from Labour after 13 years, I took the trouble to write to him and congratulate him, adding I hoped he was somewhat more successful than clueless Eden and the disastrous local Conservatives MPs who followed, the last who held the seat for 22 years and did sweet FA, and had one of the lowest attendance records and 3rd highest outside interest and payments in Parliament. Surprisingly, he didn't reply. /totally apolitical and back no party //they're all as bad as each other, just different poisons ///the web site politicians tried to gag and don't want you to use - http://www.writetothem.com/
    1 point
  4. duno tbh it was a double glazed side window about 8 ft x 5ft
    1 point
  5. I know but it wasn't obvious that it was faulty. It felt more like no fuel. Having now put a carbon body on (carbon is a good insulator) and it only stopped when hot and then started again when cooled down I thought it was fuel vapourisation. Mind you my initial diagnosis was ignition but I couldn't find a fault and was assured that the units never had a problem. It was only when it ceased working completely that I did some research and found lots of forum posts (on jaguar sites) describing my fault. Mind you the unit they were talking about was a much earlier one then mine which had an open PCB (mine's solid state) Also, in mitigation, my Lord, I've had other things to deal with over the last year. And was in the UK for the 6 months before that (car here in France).
    1 point
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