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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/06/12 in all areas

  1. I've been approached twice. Not stopped, not pulled over, both times just spoken to in a friendly, polite, interested manor. Both times (a year or two apart) while stopping at the lay-by opposite the Cat & Fiddle. The first time the Rozzers were already there when I stopped to put a jacket on and turn round to go back down. First time after an interested chat about the car, the traffic officer said something to the effect of good to see you enjoying yourself without being a prat, (I'd seen them up there, so was careful on the way up), and left me with the line; "seen your car round a few times up here, always good to put a face to a car..." Second time the traffic car was actually behind me for a short while, pulled in behind me, and a few bikers, and circulated between us all just having a chat, letting us know they were around etc. The one that spoke to me did the same thing though, interested quick chat about the car, followed by a short bit of "advice". Visitors to the Ponderossa up on the Horse Shoe pass seem to get the same sort of "professionally friendly" rather than confrontational approach a lot. I do think the Police seem to be in a no win situation though sometimes. Practice the "dominate and control" method and the usual moans come out. Adopt a more softly softly approach and yet more moans...
    2 points
  2. Got my westfield mag today..what a buzz seeing my first submission in print. Thankyou to Peter Osborne for a great editing job, you made my day. Great forum, great mag, hats off to all those who do the behind the scenes stuff that keep it going for all of us out here.. Cheers. Steve
    1 point
  3. Not exactly local but there's a pig farmer that may do it. I'll refresh my memory and be back in a minute. That didn't take long. George Polly, WHO CAN BE FOUND HERE ed to further add that he's a lot nearer than I thought. say hello from me.
    1 point
  4. That if I cheeked the local bobby he'd clip me round the ear - and if I ran home and told my Dad then he'd give me a right good hiding.
    1 point
  5. I sse it as stopping to have a chat, yes in police time, but in the long run its about building up comunity relations, should your car be nicked, they have first hand experience of it etc etc. Its not all about only talking to the public when they are locking them up you know....
    1 point
  6. So a bit of time was wasted - so what?? Nothing wrong with behaving like a normal human being being curious, putting a face to a car etc. Rory's Dad
    1 point
  7. err they didn't actually pull him over and its far better to have a friendly action than a confrontational one. When I have spoken to the police about my car in the past its part of community policing. They now know the owner and know he is a reasonable chap etc. I often feel police get a bad name and this kind of action is actually helping to make them more approachable and better policing. Good for them.
    1 point
  8. And if they stopped a bollocked you for driving like a **** , you would be on here complaining about that too!
    1 point
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