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  1. Blatman


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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. deanoecosse


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  4. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/12 in all areas

  1. Hi there! Have followed this site as a Guest for months now, but have now taken the plunge as a fully fledged Member. Couldn't have done it without WSCC Forums - guys like Kevin Todman, Doug Dastardly and Rhett Turner have been like best mates, in walking me through many of the build challenges! Am hopefully into the last few weeks of my build (have been at it 9 months now!) and felt it was time for some pay back. So looking forward to helping any other newbies. I am no expert, but I have had the advantage of doing most things at least twice on my Westfield, having broken or wrongly fitted most of it the first time!! Andy
    1 point
  2. This is on the Edinburgh side of the Forth Road Bridge, next to McDonalds, you can't miss it. JimM we all just chip in a few ££'s to a food fund and the magical weeDov sorts it all out. Just bring your own beer and plenty midgie cream as the midgies are likely to be out in force with all the warm wet weather we've been having. Although if the English Westy guys are meeting up with us, the midgies will detect the English accent and go in for the kill, leaving us jocks untouched
    1 point
  3. I don't think anyone here is critical of the parts guys. They receive nothng but the highest praise and even though I don't buy from the factory, I *know* that if I did, I'd want to talk to Gavin and the other guys 'cos they'll give it to me straight. The issue here is that we suspect improvements could be made to the pick 'n' pack system to improve parts supply to the customer, improve Westfields profitability and take the pressure off of the parts boys who are probably the guys working on fulfilment. It seems to be an issue that, if addressed, has few downsides and plenty of upsides for *all* concerned...
    1 point
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