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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/12 in all areas

  1. What I have never ever understood (apart from the fact that the voltage and wattage are lower) is how come a bulb costing pennies when new fitted to a 23 year old car that is left out in all conditions, boiling hot, freezing cold, soaking wet, bounced and pummelled about on dodgy pot hole filled roads, switched on and off at random many times is still working yet when you buy a 60w incandescent bulb that sits warm and comfortable in your home it lasts 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  2. And the lord said "let there be light" then Norman changed the bulb and it all got a bit disjointed after that . Fully agree that the old "religious rules were in my humble opinion merely a basic set of survival techniques. The pork bit being one of the most obvious ones, stuff like the fasting period etc and other rules we unfortunately see as barbaric are reasonably logical when you dig a bit deeper. Hows about using the right hand for eating and the left for other functions, avoids cross contamination, simples. Chopping a hand off for thieving means that the accused has to use one hand for both functions and thats a big no no. My mate attended a big banquet in Saudi and made the schoolboy error of using his left hand to pick up some food, game over, meal finished disarray. Rules is rules, we don't understand them and thats the problem. Have you seen some of the middle aged women, no wonder the Burkha is used. Most of the younger village women I spotted abroad although dressed in gaudy colours on a Friday were actually stunnngly good looking but its very rude to stare, especially as most of the blokes carry guns. Religion in my mind is a basic code of ethics, but I don't want anyone ramming there rules down my throat so I stay happily away from it all. Bob
    1 point
  3. I think 1, pre lit has rear arches that are flat on the top and dont blend into the body it looks very similar to a catering van 2, Narrow low line I dont know 3 & 4 narrow & wide, a wide has litte square cutouts in the main body tub where the rear lights fit, the narrow does not have these. cant think of anything else dave
    1 point
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