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  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230804099003
    1 point
  2. Completely agree with bombero, the salesman told me an utter load of drivel !, he either did this knowing of the problems we faced or he himself was in the dark ! Being an enthusiastic supporter of the product is one thing but that does not mean we have to be victims and be happy about it.
    1 point
  3. To be fair, I've NEVER seen car on car contact at a track day (and I've been doing them for 10 years now) - seen plenty of spins/accidents but you can tell the cars which are going to be trouble from the way they look and/or are driven and just give yourself a bit of room round about them and wait until a nice long straight and whizz past them (in most cases they are much slower than a westie...). I've also never lost grip because of fluids spilt by another participant (whereas I have lost grip on the public roads lots of times due to oil/diesel spills). I'd still maintain that driving on a track day is many many times safer than hooning on a public road. As for the Knockhill day I'm sure it will be completely incident free.....after all they are a bunch of poorly fitted fibreglass tubs held together with ebay's finest parts, fitted by the finest amateur mechanics with hand-me-down tools, setup with information gained from strangers on the internet and with mostly track virgin drivers....what could possibly go wrong
    1 point
  4. It's all about managing expectations to some extent, and not creating unrealistic ones. It is very difficult in some instances though, when you're being told by a supplier one lead time on a supply of components, and you know from previous history, they may or may not keep to that. I routinely add "extra" time to the delivery dates I give clients when I know we may get hit like that with certain suppliers, but even then, I know I've been caught out before now. But you do need to keep the lines of communication open, even if it's just to appologise and say there's no news yet. It's very easy for a small supplier/manufacturer/dealer with lots going on and lots coming in and going out to have that sudden, here, weren't we expecting such and such moment, a few days after the event. Whereas the customer has been sat focussing on just that single item since it was ordered.
    1 point
  5. If I could make a suggestion .. Although, like many companies, Westfield are not without their problems. The advantage you now have is a little bit of foresight and this can be used in your favour. When you're ready to commit to a build, call Westfield and tell them that you're interested but let them know about your concerns with their supply and demand strategy. Knowledge is a powerful thing and if they're aware of this and similar threads then maybe they may be ready to create a more robust strategy to improve, if not their supply lines, then certainly their estimated delivery times to customers After all, I think this is really what is frustrating many people - it is not the lack of parts per se, but the vague and unreliable delivery times quoted. If Westfield have to man up and say "by the way, engines are taking 'x' amount of weeks longer than usual", then they should say so, AT THE TIME OF ORDERING! I would bargain that potential customers would be more inclined to figure that into their build than not ..
    1 point
  6. McWesty highland hoot 2012 timetable FRIDAY 22 JUNE 1.9.30 First meet , Kilmahog visitors centre just outside Calander on the A84 go to the second car park . 2. 10.00 leave heading up A84 to the Green welly to meet up with the Glasgow team. 3 11/11.15 head off towards Fort William . 4 12/12.30 lunch stop at the Onich Hotel about a mile past the bridge on the lefthand side , this has a good car park and we have booked the room that looks over the car park . Its a good choise of food and at decent prices, Menu availible on there website. 5. 13.30 Cut down all the trees between Onich and Fort William ( as requested by Mrs Pump) 6 .After a few fuel stops we should reach the pass of the cattle about 4 where the Red Bull F1 team will be waiting to change fuel pumps / 7. 5.00 arive Applecross campsite 8 6.30 till 7.30 following morning The world Famous McWesty Summer Barbie With a full programe of events food drink food drink drink food team McWesty v sweedish woomans netball team for the ziplob trophy. food drink tea and cakes on the balcony of the love shack( Invitation only) drink drink Supper drink drink 7.30 singing of flower of Scotland 7.34 bed 7.35 .Matt and Allister head of to Inverness for Spare parts. 7.36 Breakfast . Saturday 23rd June After a short recovery time , fitting more fuel pumps and letting wee dov out the cupboard in the caravan its time to head of for a wee blast round to Shieldag via the Applecross pass with a stop for tea and biskwits ? then back to Camp Mc westy. during saturday at some point we will be meeting up with the lads from down south, 6.30 saturday night The world famous Applecross Inn for Dinner and tea cakes and beer 8.30 Zip Lob and weedov invite you back to the caravan of love for tea and biskwits . 9.30 the 2012 Matt the Pump award to the person who has against alll odds made it to Applecross (whos had the p*** ripped out them the most?) 7.30 bed Sunday 24th June 2012 7.31 applecross bay for a swim with the Sweedish womans netball team. 11.00 leave Applecross and head back to Fort william. 3.00 Visit Fort william hospitall to give whats left of the food and drink to the nurses as a thanks for looking after Matt the pump last year. A few things. again we will have a service van, if you want to put stuff in it we will be at the B.P petrol station at the forth bridge 7.30 till 8 on the THURSDAY NIGHT 21ST JUNE. there are no prizes for getting to Applecross first so lets enjoy the run its over the best roads in Britain . Any problem let me know the only thing i cant orginise is the weather but i know its going to be a a fantastic weekend . Bob
    1 point
  7. Agree, would love to get the weights down but I guess all the extra ancillaries that come with a a turbo charged car and the heavy strong gear boxes soon make things add up. Gearbox is about 38kgs. The pig iron YB is not the lightest of engines either. The charge cooling system with the cooler itself and the additional radiator and tank full of water adds a fair chunk too. Not sure how much the cages add as well. The overall cooling package for water and charge air has probably been the hardest thing to get right. We knew that from the start though. I think a good lighter car would be difficult to catch around a tight circuit but anywhere with any decent straights would make them a more difficult challenge! Cheers Mick! Always a good measure in my eyes if you admire them! Remember they are shod with all your goodies too! Cheers for the chats over a cuppa in the garage mulling ideas too! You make a good point on traction and you would be surprised just how well they do put it down. I think the combination of the extra weight, the wider rubber and some electronic help to control the boost in lower gears works a treat. Cheers for the kind comments and yes you would easily spend the amounts mentioned above. Probably a chunk more! The engine, gearbox, electronics and carbon bill would be the wrong side of 30K.
    1 point
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