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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/05/12 in all areas

  1. Shelby v Ferrari :-)
    1 point
  2. What a brilliant 3 days. Sunshine all the way (see below) and some fantastic roads driven. My thanks to the organisers - they know who they are - for making it happen. The company was excellent which made it all the more enjoyable. According to my speedo (accuracy?) I have done 593 miles since leaving home on Friday morning I left the route at Tywyn and got home at 4.45 pm, had a coffee and then put the Westie away. With that, the heavens opened just as the Olympic flame arrived in Llanon. What a shame for all the people waiting for it. Hope you all got home safely and dry. Thanks again.
    1 point
  3. Yea but how dull would it be then ?
    1 point
  4. Always carry a spare, that way it will never happen to you!! I carried one in my westfield and never needed it, and that was with the standard westfield sump. If you carry it, you will never need it!
    1 point
  5. Much as I think the car is great and really looking forward to us having it, I wouldn't buy another full kit. If I knew what I know now I would buy the basics and source the rest myself ! you do live and learn. Buying a full kit was for me a way of making sure all was to hand and to make a first build as painless as possible ! the reverse is actually the case !
    1 point
  6. Ive just got back from a holiday in Germany. Watched the 24hr Nurburgring Race. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yk0F2hMBOI Found this great Video on youtube which really captured the atmospere. I really want to take my Westfield over after enjoying the show.
    1 point
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