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    Captain Colonial

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    pete g

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  3. John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

    John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/12 in all areas

  1. May I take this opportunity to remind you that the copy deadline date for the next issue of Westfield World is exactly a fortnight from now. There are lots of things for you to write about and contribute, and it would be great to see it in print for the benefit and enjoyment of us all. I'm looking forward to your views on Stoneleigh as well. Please don't be shy or worry that it's not good enough - it's never stopped me contributing to the boardrooms! There have been some fantastic pieces written by members for the mag in the past, and don't forget that not everyone joins us online and only get their info through the magazine. That also means there are some great things you may have written in here that never make the magazine - there's no reason you can't revive them and submit those for publication. What I would really love is for our wonderful editor Peter Osbourne to call me in a few weeks and roundly curse me for having too much material to edit. It's a lot better than not having enough to create an issue! Send him your material in an email here in the Contacts page. (Preferably saved in .RTF or Rich Text Format please and photos separate from the text in .JPG, .TIFF or .EPS formats - thanks.) I will say this and keep saying it, now matter how bored you might get of it, because it's true - this is YOUR club - this is OUR club - but it's only as good as what we all contribute. Don't leave it all the writing to the boring committee members and area organisers. Get cracking!
    1 point
  2. I have written and sent a wee piece for the mag - nowt technical mind
    1 point
  3. Yep - A Plan are good. They dont just do kit cars either and are worth getting them to quote your daily driver car as well
    1 point
  4. local garage needs to get an ali welder in - 2hrs labour + oil + fliter = £200 I will get my measuring stick out - where do you take the height from (bottom wishbone?) 5 clicks on shocks any advice on mounting points for a skid plate?
    1 point
  5. It's not for everyone but I loved every minute of the student lifestyle and my parents didn't send me a penny towards anything, fees, rent, booze or bike parts. Had no trouble finding work behind a bar or labouring on a building site to keep the overdraft down and have enough money for boozing it up every night of the week I wasn't working behind the bar. Walked out of a job in Wetherspoons one night and picked up another bar job the next day working for the best people I've ever worked for to date in a family run Irish bar. Couldn't afford to run my £250 MkII Escort let alone think of owning a Westfield or live anywhere particularly nice but we were all students living in abject squalour together, living off beans and drinking White Ace because it was cheaper than White Lightning! I got to share houses with people from so many walks of life, from my (now) wife's Welsh valley council estate upbringing to a lad who went to the most expensive boarding school in the country and his old man hob-nobs it with MPs. I made so many lifelong friends at uni, met the wife there deciding to give it a go after being very good mates for 3 years. If I'd have stayed behind in the old hometown I'd be following the same group of lads drinking and fighting in the same old pubs with the same low aspirations and job prospects. It's good to go back to see for a catch up them but it's like time stood still in the village and they are happy with their lot. Still, you pays your money, you takes your choice and uni isn't for everyone. I'll be paying the debt off until I'm 60 but I'd do the same 4 year masters in mechanical engineering given my time again.
    1 point
  6. I thought you said early? 9am is fine by me (providing I pass my MOT tomorrow!).
    1 point
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