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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/04/12 in all areas

  1. To make the complete video you just need some scantily clad ladies to hold your tool(s) for you next time Mark
    1 point
  2. so who fancies either the 28th or 29th of July? I have both dates crossed through maybe we could organise a discount from westfield?
    1 point
  3. I've just finished my own S2000 build, so I must stick up a few pics for those interested in this type of build.
    1 point
  4. Thank you Andrew for your comments you wrote. The Westfield experience has been fantastic for me for all 8 years. I know I will miss her, but good to see her go to a good home. Keep in touch, and if you are ever thinking of selling her let me know!
    1 point
  5. This has been done to death now. I think it's time we all accepted that no system will suit everyone. I for one don't agree with all that has been implemented in the last year or so and have aired my views publically and to the SSOT, However, I accept that the descisions made are valid and fair, or certainly as fair as they could be. We all make informed choices, no-one is forcing anyone to compete in our Championship, accept it for what it is or move on. Steve/MLC, you have made your point but are in danger of alienating yourself from people who I think you would have classed as paddock friends in the past, don't let your personal views get confused with what I read as personal insults. You've voted with your feet, you've made your point. There is absolutely no harm in debating valid points but jeezus, let's all take a deep breath and not get personal. We are allowing ourselves to destroy our reputation as both a fantastic FRIENDLY club and Excellent championship. Toys back in prams please. Out.
    1 point
  6. Stuart I for one as you know support you and the target time system... so there you are Mick, some support from a SSOT member.!! As webmaster puts it, we do our best not put our individual and personal views on the forum as all this does is feed argument from usually people who just want to ****** off target times or whatever else is flavour of the month to b***h about. Let me make a couple of things clear: 1. The decisions made by the SSOT are debated and voted on and discussed before they are put into the regs. This does NOT mean that we individually or personally agree on ALL the decisions made, however all are discussed and voted on democratically. There are certain aspect of the regs I dont personally agree with, however I will keep what they are to myself and will lobby Nick and the rest of the team when it is appropriate to do so. I will be at a few events this year so if any competing driver has any points they want raising with the team then speak to me personally and I will raise it on your behalf or drop Nick an email. 2. The SSOT does listen toconstructive critisism or observation such as those highlighted by Paul Aspden in his opening post. Not every eventuality can be forseen when a new rule is introduced. These observations and critisisms will be looked at by the SSOT and ways will sought to resolve the issues if it is deemed to be a problem. 3. Do I agree with target time system ? Yes I do, and for the record I was a sceptic at first however having raced under both systems I can say that the TT system has made me a quicker driver, and certainly doesnt detract from anyones enjoyment on the day. You have to drive your nuts off even more under this system, which is, after all, the whole point. In 2010 Barney won the championship outright which he would'nt have done under the old system, so are you saying that someone who probably should have won the championship years ago but couldnt because of lack of numbers, isnt a worthy champion. What is the value of winning a championship against little or no competition. Mid Life you are entitled to your opinion however, frankly, I find your description of the whole thing a dogs dinner as offensive, and I as i cant remember you showing your face in the paddock for the past three years at least, I think its a bit rich to be ******ging it, and the SSOT off! From what I remember you were quite sucessfull when you were competing so what on earth is your problem, if you entered you would probably be still winning trophies. What are you afraid of ? ......getting beaten ! The fact that entries are down is sod all to do with target times. All clubs are struggling and we lost a couple of events last year due to the economic climate. The cost of Diesel and travelling to the events is really hurting the national championships. It is noticable for example that the Longton club still seems to be strong on entries probably due to that fact that they only run at North West Circuits therefore keeping cost down. They can do that as a local club but we dont have that luxury.! Thats my rant over..............for now.
    1 point
  7. The higher quote may just be a symptom of the seemingly common insurance tactic of quoting an increased figure upon renewal in the hope that a certain percentage of people will be apathetic enough to just renew without question. No doubt if you went back to the original insurer with the alternate quote you've received they'd magically manage to sort you out a cheaper deal. I've adopted an approach now of just going with the cheaper quote and cancelling the original policy, if terms are favourable. not bothering to take part in the 'pantomime'. Maybe if more people people just did this, insurers may do more to issue a sensible renewal quote in the first place?
    1 point
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