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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/12 in all areas

  1. Yep, all of the above! Though my favourite passer-by comment is from my aeroscreened, be-helmeted days; stopped at a crossing in town, a rather attractive young mum is leading her little lad by the hand, across the road in front of me, the son's practically hopping up and down with excitement, pointing at me and the car and shouting "Mummy, mummy it's the Stig!". The very yummy mummy turns, gives me a withering glance up and down, says "No son, that's the American Stig". From Hero to Zero in about five seconds flat. mind you, I was laughing half the way home afterwards.
    3 points
  2. Just thought I'd share. While filling up in Westy today a 4 yr old lad walked up to me and asked if he could sit in my car! I put him in the drivers seat and told him not to drive too fast and his mum and dad spent the next 5 mins taking photos of him! His little face was a picture when I came out and his parents said I'd made his day. Just another bonus of owning a Westy! Dom
    1 point
  3. Just emailed an article to editor@wscc.co.uk - pretty basic stuff but I believe it will be useful to a new Westy owner
    1 point
  4. that was aimed at myself captain not you - although come to think about it ;-)
    1 point
  5. Drooling is compulsory after reaching a certain age - its only a major problem when its at both ends. Oops - forgot to ask if Stoneleigh is pay on entry or is there a discount if you buy tickets beforehand ?
    1 point
  6. I love watching kids faces when they see my car, and yes, if they're nice well-behaved little breadsnappers, I even let them sit in it. I also love watching men out walking with their wives while I'm driving. The man's head turns while the wife's gaze is fixed and straight ahead as her grip on his hand tightens, saying don't even think about it. But I really feel sorry for the men out by themselves pushing a pram when they see me drive by - the wistful, resigned look on their faces says it all. Almost makes me feel guilty. Almost.
    1 point
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