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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/03/12 in all areas

  1. Great news. Good news on the petrol front as well, seems to be getting back to normal. Lots of fuel available around gwent now. Sunday is on , see u all at the Halfords Blackwood at 9:30 for a 9:45 leave or at Beaufort bridge junction for the Llangynidr road at 10am. paul 07971110141
    1 point
  2. Pretty much anywhere in the 'correct' (North) half of the country
    1 point
  3. You know what is really worrying is that in all this b*llsh*t about fuel shortages ( self induced ) no one has mentioned those immortal words about saving fuel, unnecessary journeys, car sharing etc etc. The panic has just been created to make the point and that seems to have happened quite successfully. I suspect though it would be an admission by the government that the fuel drivers do have us by the short and curlies in reality when you consider the chaos when absolutely nothing has happened apart from a few well chosen words in the media. Yep remember the bog roll crisis, the coffee crisis, the sugar crisis all the rest of the recent none essential issues. We rely far too much on hydrocarbons and its time we seriously moved to better alternatives and stop fannying about with none flyers. If you checked the profits made by Shell, BP, Exxon etc its easy to see where the money goes, in most cases greater profits than most countries make. The UK have moved from oil fired power stations to gas powered, both hydrocarbons. The greens or tree huggers don't feel happy with nuclear, may as well go back and live in the cave as we seem to be heading for a complete melt down unless some government has the b*ll*cks to make a tough decision. Unfortunately they wouldn't be in power long enough to see it through would they. Can't win just go and sit in the fuel queue. Bob :cry:
    1 point
  4. The problem with codes is that the vast majority of suppliers won't do it for 2 reasons. 1) to much resource required and 2) they're not bothered if they sell to a non-member, they are there to sell. I was only stating the obvious when I said I would tell a friend. I don't have any friends so it was academic. However it is a problem. Let me put it this way. If non-members had all the benefits of the the club what would be the point of paying the membership fee.
    1 point
  5. I used to lock my steering wheel away in the boot box. It fitted perfectly.
    1 point
  6. I thought that was the case because of all the nuts and stuff you was flogging on the boardroom :laugh:
    1 point
  7. Medically you are doomed Once caught there is no known antedote or cure Get over it cos it is not going away
    1 point
  8. Those of us with narrow cars and, er, a wide chassis find it much easier to get in and out of the car with a detachable wheel. Also makes it much easier to work on anything in that area of the car if you need to. Don't find it at all a problem carrying it about, as I don't take the Westie out shopping or to go for long walks and leave it unattended and out of sight for hours. Plus in a purely male state of mind, it's quite cool in a show-off kind of way, does turn a few heads! As for security, well, better than nothing I suspect, but it will only stop the local thieving chavs out for a joy ride, not someone who really wants your Westie and will be prepared to tow it away, but as has been mentioned, they're rarely nicked anyway (thankfully).
    1 point
  9. Just tried to upgrade my membership but it looks like it ran out in 2010 and I was never notified. What do I do now?
    1 point
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